Six // VI

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"And she said, 'I've been so worried about you lately
You look shit and smell a bit
You're mad thinking you could ever save me
Not looking like that'"

A few days more had passed of Taylor wallowing in self-pity and loathing until the girl simply couldn't physically bear to be away from Karlie any longer than she already had been - she felt as though it was killing her.

Never in their ten years of dating had they gone this long without seeing each other or communication. It was a habit that Taylor didn't know how to free herself from, as if it were chains.

Forcing herself up from the bed, her hands shaking slightly from the withdrawal she was feeling - although it was unclear to her if it was the lack of alcohol and drugs or Karlie who caused the symptoms - she decided impulsively to call before she could talk herself out of it.

She leaned her head out of the bedroom window and nervously chewed on her nails as the phone rang - her heart rate increasing with each ring.

On the last ring, the phone was answered but Taylor was met with silence.

Taking a deep breath, she croaked quietly into the phone, "Karlie?"

"Well who else did you think it was going to be?" Karlie replied coldly.

Taylor was shocked at the emotionless voice on the other end but preceded regardless of it.

"Please come back," she said hopefully as a few tears trickled down her cheeks, "I promise to change and be better. I just can't let you go. Honestly, I think it'd kill me," she admitted.

She heard a sigh on the other end of the line, "I can't do that, babe. I would if I could, but I can't. You've left me with no choice," The brunette replied, her tone softening significantly in comparison to her last reply.

"I love you. Isn't that enough?"

"I love you too, but no it's not enough. I need to  learn how to be my own person again, Tay, and I can't do that with you. I'm sorry," Karlie says.

"Can we at least meet up? I need closure otherwise I'm just going to spend my days thinking about you and not moving from this fucking bed."

Karlie thought about it before agreeing, it would make her feel better and less guilty if Taylor came to terms with her decision and accepted it.

"Ok," she said, before telling Taylor the details on where she was staying, "you can come now if you want, I'm not busy."

"Ok, I'll be there within the hour then," replied Taylor. "Bye, Kar."

"Bye, Taylor."

Getting in her car straight away without so much as a second thought, Taylor realised she hadn't taken anything with her. No money, she just had to pray she wouldn't run out of gas and no warm layer to go over her shivering body as she sat in just a t shirt.

She began tapping nervously on the wheel in anticipation as she sat in the idle traffic. Karlie was staying in a hotel just 45 minutes away according to her GPS. Her mind was running with thoughts of what she was going to say once she gets there, she really hadn't thought anything through and genuinely didn't think the brunette would agree to her suggestion.

What do I want to say?
Should I try and win her back?
Should I use this as an opportunity for closure?

So many questions that she couldn't answer.


 A Change Of Heart ♀KaylorWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu