Two // II

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"For goodness sake
I wasn't told you'd be this cold
Now it's my time to depart
and I just had a change of heart"

1 Week Later:

Karlie knew exactly what was going on behind the other side of the plain, black wooden door to the apartment as soon as she heard the vociferous shouting coming from her girlfriend and her friends.

Sighing after the long day she had at work and checking the time on her watch, which read 11:33 pm, she decided to just go straight to bed and deal with all the bullshit tomorrow morning.

The only issue was that Taylor's mind set didn't align with Karlie's at this particular moment in time.

Gritting her teeth, the brunette unlocked the door, turned the door handle and entered the apartment - the music was on a deafening volume as everyone shouting over each other just added to the headache Karlie was instantaneously greeted with as she searched the room for her girlfriend.

What she saw didn't surprise her in the slightest, of course Taylor would be taking body shots with Cara (her ex-girlfriend, Karlie liked to point out frequently, to which Taylor would just accuse her of being jealous).

Taylor's eyes catch Karlies and before she can run and lock herself in the bedroom, Taylor stumbles towards her and slaps her ass. An embarrassed and enraged blush covers her face as the other immature adults in the room just laugh at the exchange. Karlie, on the other hand, was not amused.

"Don't." She said sternly as she stared at her clearly intoxicated girlfriend who was swaying slightly.

"What? I can't show my friends whose girl you are," she says, taking a step closer to the brunette so their faces were dangerously close. "Because you are my girl, you know," she says seriously, but everyone else just continues to laugh from the plethora of substances coursing through the blood in their veins.

At first the possessiveness was cute, but after a while it became suffocating, and as of lately it had become unbearable around Taylor's friends. It's like she had something to prove - that Karlie was hers and only hers. No one could take her away from her.

However, this wasn't true. Despite thinking that nobody could take Karlie away from her, she never thought about the possibility that Karlie could take herself away. Taylor didn't even fathom this.

Scoffing and turning away to retreat to her safe place, more commonly known as the bedroom, she feels a hand grip her wrist tightly and spins her back around.

The blonde smashes her lips into the younger girls, but only for a split second until Karlie manages to push Taylor off of her, the older girl just stumbles a few paces backwards in her inebriated state.

"You're drunk," Karlie simply states, as she quickly walks into the bedroom, locking the door behind her to prevent any unwanted visitors from entering unexpectedly.

Bothered by the interaction, Taylor decides to just numb the feeling of rejection with more alcohol - she swiftly downs 3 shots of vodka and is laughing and joking again.

As the loud music blasted through the bedroom door, Karlie used it as an excuse to cry out loud instead of the silent tears she let out so that Taylor wouldn't know she was upset.

What has my life become?
I used to be so happy.
We used to be so happy.
Do I still love Taylor?

All these thoughts swam around in Karlies head as she tried her best to answer them and understand where they were coming from. Of course she still loved Taylor, just not in the way she used to, and she also knew deep down Taylor loved her too - yes, in her own way, but it was still love fueling her actions. That's all that matters. Right?

 A Change Of Heart ♀KaylorWhere stories live. Discover now