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it had been a week and hoseok found out that it wouldn't be a hearing aid that he would get but a cochlear implant. hoseok freaked out when he knew he had to get a surgery for it to be able to work.

hoseok, once again, thought about it.

hoseok was just scared. he wanted to finally hear but what if something bad happens? maybe he isn't fit for it or it will be a failure.

after another three days, he told that he wanted to do the procedure. after pulling hair and stressing, he finally went along with the surgery.

hoseok knew from the start that it wouldn't be a normal type of hearing but more of a muffled sound or static sound. anything would help him.

hoseok has been going to doctor appointments to learn more about the implants. he was told the risks and the benefits from the procedure.

he was scheduled to have the surgery in a couple of weeks and hoseok cannot wait. he was exited.

hoseok already tried reading lips to help the hearing process better. since the hearing won't be perfect, he needs to learn how to read lips to help understanding. although it was a bit hard since he couldn't yet hear.

hoseok promised to not tell yoongi until he gets the implants. he would not spoil anything.

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