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Ruby didn't think that it was wrong to stare at the person that you liked. After all, she did like this person. Even if they didn't know it yet, or return her feeling back to her. But she was okay with that, because she knew that he would eventuallly love her back. All of the other girls in her magic class group, the gemstones, thought that she was weird fro liking Echo. They would always ask her, "Why do you like Echo so much? He is a weirdo." Suddenly, Ruby got a text from her friend Amber, who was sitting across the room. "While you are busy looking at a loner, you could be looking at someone much cuter than him." "What are you talking about Amber?" Replied Ruby. "You only look at guys that have huge biceps or have a cute accent or whatever." Almost instantly, she got a response back from Amber. "I DO NOT ONLY LIKE GUYS LIKE THAT!!!" Adding on a winking emoji at the end of the scentence. Ruby knew that she was hinting at someone, but she didn't know who it was. So Ruby put her phone away, right after she told Amber to stop texting her or they would both get in trouble. Ruby thought about what day it was. "Thursday , the 29th of December." She whispered to herself. "So that means that they will start the preparations for the end of year party tomorrow." "Then that gives me exactly five and a half days to tell Echo how I feel about him, since I don't think that he understood who the gifts I sent him were meant to hint at." 

(*Flashback) About a weekl ago, Echo had started to get small gifts made out of rubies and things you could find on the beach inside his dorm room. He had no idea who they were from or what they were meant to say, since he had never really gotten a gift from anyone, except for his two actual friends that he had. (They will get introduced in a few chapters. Be patient!! ;3 ;3) And when they gave him gifts, it was in person since they stayed in the same dorm. (This will also be explained soon!! You are almost there!!! ;3 ;3) So Echo had no idea why he was getting these mysterious gifts, but he did keep them though, just to be nice. (*End of flashback)

"RUBY!!!" Mr. Maxwell shouted, snapping Ruby out of her fantasy daydreaming. "I asked you to answer this question about what we were just talking about." He said. "Since you were paying so much attention to what we were discussing." A few people in the class snickered at her. "Can you repeat the question, so I can make sure that I answer it thoroughly." Asked Ruby, trying to stall for time, since share hadn't been paying attention at all. "What I asked you... was; If you were born without the ability to have a second sight, could you get one?" When Mr. Maxwell finished saying that, everyone turned to look at Echo. He then put his head down onto the desk to try to hide himself, but people still continued to stare at him. To get everyone's attention, she tried to think of some response to distract everyone. "I think....that if someone didn't have a second sight... I think that they could get one if they really tried to." She finished her response by looking at Echo, but of course, he didn't notice, he never did. But she didn't care because she loved him. "Well, I guess if you think about it like that... I guess you could, but you would have to ask your principal about that one, she might be able to give you more context on your answer." Said Mr. Maxwell. Just as he finished saying that, Amber texted her saying "Stop staring at Echo or you'll give it away that you like him!!!" 

Right as she was about to respond to Amber's outrageous comment, the bell rang, signaling the end of class, and the start of the weekend. Amber started walking towards Ruby with a girl with fiery orange hair that Ruby kinda remembered seeing somewhere before, but she didn't really recognize her. As the orange haired girl got closer, she said, "Don't you love it when the three people who like Echo are all friends?!?!" "WHAT ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT!!!" Shouted Ruby, completely bamboozled at what this girl just said. "I was gonna tell you sooner, but I guess I got a little sidetracked" said Amber. "Oh yea, this is Freddie by the way." Before Ruby could respond, out of nowhere, someone shouted, "First one to find Echo and trash all of his stuff gets 100 zen!!" This sent everyone into a mad frenzy to try to find Echo. But nobody notivced that Echo was still in the room, sitting in the corner with his head down, oblivious to what was going on around him. 

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