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Echo POV (again, I'm sry, it just happens XD he's pullin a midoriya XD)

I can hear a beeping noise again. "I swear if I'm in the hospital again.." I thought. Before I could do anything else, I heard a girls voice say "How did he get here this time?" "Kill me now!!" I shouted in my head. As I opened my eyes, I could see 4 people staring down at me. "Jeez, why is everyone staring at me now?" I asked, moving my right arm to cover my face. Then I remembered, I don't have my right arm any more. But then, I could feel my hand on my face, and I heard the people who were looking at me gasp. "Very interesting" said one. "This still makes no sense." Said another one. "Where am I?" I asked. instead of answering my question, they said "Kid, you are very lucky to be alive right now." I thought to myself "if I had a dollar for every time someone has said that to me, I'd probably have... wait, nobody's really said that to me that much. Dangit." I smiled. One of the people who was observing me got angry. "Why are you smiling when I just told you that you could have died!?!?!" He shouted. "Calm down, Stanley." Said a lady. "NO!!!! I REFUSE TO CALM DOWN!!!!" He continued shouting. "THIS CRAZY KID THINKS THAT ITS OKAY TO DIE!!!!!" "This man needs to calm down before I smack the mess out of him." I thought, starting to get Irratated. I tried to ged up, but I had been tied down to the table. "Um, not to interrupt your little temper tantrum, but why am I tied to this table?" I asked, distracting the screaming man and his colleagues. "We had to tie you down because, things started happening to your body when you arrived here." Said one of the ladies. "Things like what?" I asked her. "Oh nothing much, just spikes made out of metal coming out of your shoulders, you frying every piece of electrical equipment in this room, TWICE, and a few other things." Said the man who was previously shouting at me. "Like I said, just little things." He finished, adding more sarcasm to his statement. "My guy," I said. "I'm literally gonna smack you if you don't shut up. Nobody was talking to you." "EXCUSE ME!!!!" He shouted. Before I could do anything, one of the nurses in the room put a needle in his neck, and the guy crumpled on the floor unconscious. "Thank you." I said. "He was getting on my nerves."  "No problem." She said. "So, we are just going to run some more tests, then you can leave. There are some people who are waiting in the hallway outside to see how you are doing." Said the nurse. "Ok, don't want to keep them waiting." I said with a smile.

——15 minutes later——

"Do I really have to use this robot arm?" I asked, looking at the arm that they had designed for me to use, so I wouldn't freak everybody out when I used my right arm to do something. "Yes Echo, you have to use the robot arm." Said the nurse. "It wouldn't be very nice to be scaring people with a arm that nobody can see." "Um, yes it would." I replied. "At my school, nobody really likes me, but now that I have my second sight, well whatever you call what I have, I can finally fit in!!" I said. The nurse looked at me. "Well you don't "always" have to use it if you don't want to." She said as she winked at me. I instantly knew what she meant. (I swear if some of y'all thought that she meant something else, we bout to fight.) "Well, we should take you out to go see your friends." She said. But then and idea popped into my head. "Wait, you should say that you couldn't save me and that I died." I said to her. she looked at me with horror. "Wait, let me finish." I said. "Then you let them in the room to see me, but then I wake up, like I came back to life." I finished. "Oh, yeah lets do that." The nurse said, with a mischievous grin. 

——5 minutes later——


"I can't believe that he is dead." Cried Amber. "We were just with him a few hours ago, and he was smiling and laughing with us." "I know, its a shock to all of us." Said Glacier, trying to comfort her. "It's never going to be the same now, without him." Said Moon. "Are we even going to hang out, now that he isn't here with us?" Asked Sky. "Of course." Said Ruby. But she didn't believe it herself. "It's not fair!!" Shouted Aqua. "I said that I was going to be with him forever, even when he dies, so why am I still here?" She shouted. "There's no point in living anymore if he isn't here with me to make me smile, or to cheer me up when I am sad." She started to walk out of the room with Cody and Nova, who were too shocked to even say anything. "So you are just going to leave me here, all by myself?" Said Echo. "And I thought you guys were my friends." He said with a smile. "ECHO!!!" Everybody shouted at the same time. "I thought you were dead!!" Said Moon, trying to hold back her tears. "Well I'm clearly not." He said. "And you guys didn't even check to see if I was actually dead. I'm hurt." He said. "I was, its just..." started Aqua. "Sure, sure, of course you were." Said Echo, pretending to be upset. "SO!!! What are we doing for my birthday?" He asked. Everyone was silent. "Your...birthday?" Asked Glacier. "Did none of you guys know?" Everyone was silent. "Wow." He said. "Well, I'm going home to be sad and alone now, but you guys can do whatever." Echo said as he jumped down from the table. "Bye." He said as he walked out the door. Everyone just stared as they watched him go. "Wait a minute.." Said Cody. "Is he walking...through the wall, or is that just me?" He asked. "No, you aren't seeing things." Said the nurse, who was standing behind them the whole time. "Your friend, Echo, finally got his second sight, but the thing is, nobody knows how he got it. And while he was unconscious, he kept saying the word "Leigon" over and over again." "We'll keep an eye on him!" Said Sky, who was sitting on the floor. "Good,  because we don't know what he could have caused when he collapsed." The nurse said. "There was a huge beacon of white light, and then a huge lightning bolt struck right were he was." She said. "People were talking about it on the news last night, and everybody saw it. Some bad people might try to get a hold of him and try to use him for bad things." "So then we have to make sure that we keep an extra good eye on him at all times." Said Glacier. "Yeah." Said Amber. "We don't want him to be taken again, and we are gonna make sure that nobody tries it again." Said Aqua. "Yeah..." said Nova, looking downcast. She hadn't told anybody that she knew who had done this to him, since she was going to tell Echo first. But she was going to have to tell them soon, or somebody else would, and they would never trust her again.

Authors note: ok so this next chapter might get a little teensy weensy bit copyright, so idk if the internet police are gonna get on me for it. So when i do the next chapter, if it is there only for a little bit, then it disappears, its the internet police's fault

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