Chapter 31

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As it grew into the evening hours, Lillian twirled in front of the mirror in Mitsuki's bedroom, admiring the yellow shade of her dress and how it complimented her thin figure.

"How do I look?" Lillian asked, turning to Mitsuki.

Mitsuki rolled her eyes in response. "For someone who claims she doesn't give a shit what her mother thinks about her, you seem very concerned about your appearance tonight."

"Well, she's going to see me tonight," Lillian said as she put on a pair of pearl earrings. "I'm done hiding from her."

"Good to hear, but are you actually going to talk to her?" Mitsuki asked.

"I don't know. Maybe," Lillian grumbled, feeling her confidence already fading.

She heard Mitsuki sigh and rise from the bed. Mitsuki wrapped her arms around Lillian's waist and shoved her head into her back.

"You look really sexy in this dress, you know," Mitsuki murmured.

"Don't say things like that tonight!" Lillian warned. "I don't want you screwing with my reputation."

"What reputation? I thought your mom already hated you," Mitsuki teased. "Can you turn around and lean down so I can kiss you? Why the hell are you even wearing heels?"

Lillian rolled her eyes and turned around, leaning down to kiss her girlfriend. Despite the anxiety she was facing seeing her mother again after their last encounter, she was glad that Mitsuki was at least going to be with her this time.

"You should wear that black dress," she told Mitsuki. "It looks good on you."

"Lillian, it's just a birthday dinner, I'm not—"

Lillian pouted.

"I'll find my one sundress and wear that, okay?" Mitsuki suggested.

Lillian smiled. "Good. I think we're eating out on the porch. The weather's been so hot lately that it's nice to sit outside in the evening."

"Yeah, yeah," Mitsuki grumbled as she began rummaging through her things before pulling out a lacy red sundress. Lillian was about to comment on it when the doorbell rang. She froze, the sudden reality that she was going to see her mother again finally setting in.

"You'll be fine," Mitsuki assured her. "You're making it more awkward just thinking about it."

Lillian slowly nodded. "You're right. I'll be fine. Hurry up and get that dress on so we can go downstairs."

"Give me two seconds," Mitsuki growled as she threw her dress on.

"All right. Let's go," Lillian said, grasping Mitsuki's hand as soon as she was dressed. They exited the bedroom, and Lillian let go, afraid one of the others still in their bedroom would catch sight of their conjoined hands.

She still wasn't sure when she and Mitsuki would tell the others, but tonight certainly wouldn't be the night. That would be something they discussed after Lillian dealt with her mother during Cassie's birthday celebration. Besides, it was Cassie's big day anyway. Lillian had already caused enough issues for Cassie, and bringing her romantic life into the picture wasn't going to make Cassie's night any more enjoyable.

Lillian slowly descended the steps, hearing chatter between Cassie and her family members. It seemed everyone had come along, even her grandparents and aunt and uncle.

"About time you girls came downstairs," Cherie said, noticing them. "There's appetizers in the kitchen if you want some."

"Want to get some?" Mitsuki asked.

The Spirit Guardians Book 3: FatedWhere stories live. Discover now