Joke: The Signs As Parents

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Aries - *makes Mac-and-cheese* *burns it*

Taurus - can't stop swearing in front of kids.

Gemini - will not let their kids quit sports because they're "part of a team".

Cancer - the parent everyone loves. Always has kids' friends over.

Leo - "Honey! Where are my keys?! I forgot the kids at the mall!"

Virgo - the parents that physically forces their kids to do homework.

Libra - "Jane! Stop fucking around and leave me alone, I'm tired!"

Scorpio - the parent who buys the best food, rents the best movies and gives their kid money.

Sigittarius - goes to yoga everyday and annoys their children with facts and quotes.

Capricorn - *Kid gets B on Test* "Sucker! I could have done so much better!"

Aquarius - has a house with a pool but never uses it.

Pisces - "You can smoke, you can drink, you can have sex....Oh and be safe."

"What's your sign?"

Meghan: "My sign is need to let it go." 😅

Ok that's stupid. No, not Meghan. I loooove her too much to insult her.

Anyway, thanks for reading! Hope you're enjoying this book. Don't forget to show it some love if you do.

Peace. :)

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