Joke: More Life Hacks

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Trying to quit smoking? Lick a little salt with the tip of your tongue whenever you feel the urge to smoke. This is said to break the habit within a month.

Feeling too hot? Run your wrist under a cold tap for at least five minutes. It'll cool your blood down.

Ever wanted to stop a sneeze you feel coming? Press your tongue against the roof of your mouth, and it's gone.

Want whiter teeth? Gently rub the inside of a Banana peel around your teeth for two minutes, the minerals will absorb into your teeth and whiten them!

To cry on command, relax your eyes for about 30 seconds. Then, gently rub them for about 10 seconds. Keep them open and tears will flow.

Before frying, sprinkle a little salt in your pan which will help keep the oil from splattering.

The faster your walking speed the longer you are likely to live.

Don't avoid cameras during your years in school or on vacation/holiday. You might not want to now, but you'll appreciate it later.

When a group of people laugh, people will instinctively look at the person they feel closest to in that group.

While studying, instead of drinking energy drinks drink plenty of water and the occasional cup of coffee. This will help you stay hydrated and maintain a high level of cognitive function and energy.

Study aloud for at least one hour everyday, record yourself and listen to it afterward. This will help to improve your memory of the content.

Buying a car? Buy it at the end of the month. Salespeople have quotas to meet each month and will be more likely to cut you a deal.

Cutting through aluminum foil will sharpen your knives.

Drink one glass of water for every alcoholic drink you have, you will get drunk without getting a hangover.

When you're at a social event always hold your drink in your left hand. That way your right hand won't be cold or wet when you shake hands.

Next time you have a sore throat, eat marshmellows!

Falling air pressure causes pain in bird's ears, so if birds are flying low to the ground it almost always means a thunderstorm is coming.

Secretaries, tech support and janitors are the true power in an office. Make friends, remember birthdays and you can get anything you need!

If you chew gum when you study a subject and then chew the same flavor when you the take the test it can help you remember.

Shoes smell bad? Put them in the freezer overnight. It will kill the bacteria and get rid of the stink.

Music is so influential on the brain that the type you listen to actually has the ability to change the way you think and look at the world.

Need to tell a believable lie? Include an embarrassing detail nobody doubts a story that makes you look dumb.

Suspect someone’s giving you the wrong phone number? Read it back to them incorrectly, if they correct you, it’s legit.

Thanks for reading! Hope you've learnt something. ♡

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