Chapter 5: Game of truths

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Ashley was now comfortable chatting with Nick. He was the most open and non-judgmental person she had ever seen. He had gained her trust. She felt she could open up to him about anything. Still she was unsure whether to express her feelings for him so soon. She feared that Nick would stop talking to her.

It was 11:00 PM. Ashley and Nick were chatting about their favorite songs and artists.

"Hey Ashley! Want to play the Game of Truths? 😉" Nick asked out of the blue.

"Okay. But what's Game of Truths? 😶"

"It's like truth and dare but with only truth. We'll both ask one question each day but the twist is that we'll both have to answer the question. We have to vow to be completely honest though. We'll get to know more about each other in a fun way. What say? 😉"

"Sounds like fun. I'm in. 😊"

Ashley didn't hesitate to agree because she was now completely comfortable to open up to Nick. Moreover she thought that this game was a perfect chance to ask if Nick had any feelings for her.

"Great. I'll start. What's the craziest things you've done so far? 😉" Nick asked.

"Hmm. Once I went for a night out with my friends when dad was out of town. We got drunk and we all felt like going out. So we all drove to a nearby dam all drunk. On the way back, there were cops. We somehow rushed and escaped. I didn't even have a license. 😅"

"Wow. That's impulsive. By the way, I didn't imagine that you drunk. We should catch up some time for a drink. 😉"

"Sure. Why not. 😁 Your turn."

"Well. When I was in engineering college, I snick out of the hostel with my roommate to climb up to the college terrace. We used the window a/c outside director's office to climb up to the first floor. 😄 We took off our shirts so that watchman doesn't notice. My roommate smoked and I just gazed the stars. It was fun."

"That's daring. Wish I could do something like that. ☺️"

"Aha. 😊 Your turn. Ask your question."

Ashley wondered if she should ask The Question right away or start with something subtle?

"Okay. My question is...

"Okay. My question is... What is your girlfriend's name? 😛"

"Aha. Good question. My girlfriend's name is Singleton. I'm single. 😄"

Ashley's heart leap with joy on hearing this. She just hoped to winNick's heart before someone else did. She got curious as to why he was single.

"He he. 😁 You had never been in a relationship?"

"Today's one question is over. You'll have to wait until tomorrow for the answer. 😜"

Ashley slapped her forehead. She should have directly asked if he was/had been in any relationship. She felt like a contestant in trivia who just lost a fortune by choosing the wrong option. She had no other option but to wait. She wanted to plead him to make an exception but she did not want to look clingy.

"Okay. Okay. 😅 BTW it's a good game. I must start planning my questions beforehand. 😛"

"Aha. Yeah. Let's catch up tomorrow. I'm sleepy. Good night. Take care. 😊"

"Okay. Good night. ☺️"

Ashley could not concentrate on anything the next day. She just wanted the day to pass by as quickly as possible and ask Nick the question. She came up with all the possible answers that he could tell. Her overthinking led to a point where she thought that Nick was gay because he was the most sensitive guy she had ever talked to. But she quit the thought and prayed that it doesn't happen.

10:00 PM. Ashley was lying on her bed, staring the ceiling, with mobile on her tummy. She would curse her network for the useless texts they sent every now and then.

"Hi Ashley. So your question for the day is the one you asked yesterday? ☺️"


"Okay. I was in a relationship back in college. She was my first love. But I broke up with her after 1 year. Before you ask, I broke up because I found her sexting one of my batch mates. I was heartbroken. I hated girls ever since. 😅"

Whoa! That's brutally honest. - Ashley thought

"Oh! I'm sorry to hear that. But trust me. Not all girls are the same. There are good girls too. 😊"

"I know that now. 😊 What about you?"

"I have never been in a relationship."

"Liar. It's impossible that no one proposed a beautiful girl like you. 😏"

Ashley was over the moon to hear that Nick considered her beautiful.

"I did get proposals but never accepted any. I wanted to wait for the right one. 😊"

"Aha. ☺️"

"Your turn. 😊"

"Hmm. Do you like anyone in college? 😉"

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