Chapter 7: The Proposal

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"Hmm. 😒 I'm being cornered since two days. I don't even know how to propose. 😑"

"It's okay. I don't mind. Try. I'm waiting. 😁"

"Okay. I don't know how to explain but I have feelings for you that I've never felt for anyone before. I like you not for your looks but for your nature and personality. I know you are perfect for me. I'll be happy with you. Will you be my boyfriend?"

"No. 😂"

"Huh. 😒 I told you I don't know how to propose. Your turn."

"Ashley! I just want to say that just having a glimpse of you makes my whole life worth living for. Fact is that I've been very lonely and depressed. I had lost hope of finding The One. But I knew the wait was worth it the moment I saw you. I can't promise that I'll keep you happy 24x7. I'm a moody person. But I can promise that I'll be the first person to apologize whenever we have an argument. I'll never cheat on you. I'll be honest. We are from different caste and we might not have a future together. But I want to love you as long as you are with me. I'll love you unconditionally until you ask me to stop. That's all. I just want to ask if you'll love me too?"


Ashley typed yes as if she was under a spell. She had decided to say No like Nick but she got emotional hearing his proposal. It was just a dare but she knew those words were meant for her. Nick made her realize that they both might not be able to marry because of their caste. But his promise to love her unconditionally until they are together, touched her core. She felt honesty in those words. For the first time, Ashley wanted to live in the moment and not overthink about future. She was ready to accept as much love as Nick could give her.

"I love you Ashley. 😊"

"I love you too. 😊😊😊"

"Good morning Shizuka. 😊"

"Good morning my Nobita. 😘"

Ashley and Nick were now already couples online. They gave each other nicknames from their favorite Japanese cartoon Doraemon because it was what Ashley named her kitten.

"Today classical class is scheduled later. So I was wondering if we could have a coffee or something together after class. ☺️"

"Okay my Nobita. 😊 Which place?"

"Do you know Cafe-de-Costa near MIT college?"

"Yes. It used to be my usual hangout place during school. 😊"

"Cool. So you directly go there after class. I'll reach there after closing the club. Won't take more than 10 minutes. Okay?"

"Okaaaaaay. 😘"

Ashley took a corner seat and anxiously waited for Nick . It was the first time they were meeting face to face after the proposal and all the romantic chats. Nick reached soon all smiling and sat in front of her. They ordered apple flavored iced tea. Nick finished his drink soon. Ashley took small sips and was looking into her cup the whole time. She chewed her straw almost wholly out of nervousness. Every time she took a glimpse, she saw Nick smiling and staring straight into her eyes. She melted with each glimpse. She was fidgeting with her straw. Finally Nick laughed.

"That straw is not edible. Aha."

Ashley blushed and covered her face. Nick asked her about school and her friends.Ashley felt good that Nick was trying to make her comfortable.

"Shall we leave?" asked Nick.

"Okay." Ashley replied with a faint smile.

She wanted to stay there forever. She wanted to request Nick to stay a bit more. But one on one conversation was a lot tougher than she thought. While walking out their hands brushed against each other. A jolt of euphoria rushed through Ashley's veins.

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