Chapter 1 Friday

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Friday night was supposed to be the best part of the week. There was an entire weekend in front of you, full of potential. The problem was that you were alone with no plans and all potential for anything meaningful happening before Monday morning was out of town with Jin.

He had been gone for a couple of weeks and you missed him much more than you wanted to admit.

His work was important and you were cheerful and encouraging when he called or face timed you, but you missed him. You missed his touch, his laugh, his presence.

Enough, this was just making you weepy and more frustrated than before.

You threw your work bag and keys on the table. You had some work to finish.

"Fantastic "you thought. "That's one less hour's worth of loneliness to fill".

A couple of friends asked you to come out but it was not the same without Jin. So, you lied and told them you had to work.

Sighing, you headed to the bedroom and threw your work clothes off, leaving them all over the floor. You dug in your bottom drawer and found your favorite sweats and pulled them on. Then you remembered they were your favorite because Jin had given them to you on your stargazing date.

Tears stung your eyes at the memories.

"Stop feeling sorry for yourself" you chided.

You pulled on a Murray State sweatshirt and fuzzy socks. You yanked your hair into a careless bun and shuffled back to the living room. Looking in the mirror, you made a face at yourself and thought "no wonder you are at home alone on Friday night".

"So, let the pity party begin ", you announced to your reflection.

You grabbed a diet coke and a romance novel and flung yourself on the couch.

Worst mood ever.

You were fifteen minutes into "My Highland Lover" trying to decide if the heroine was plucky or stupid when your phone rang. You grabbed it without looking, more than ready to take your mood out on some hapless salesman.

"Hello...this had better be good. You have 30 seconds. Good luck. GO" you snapped.

There was a brief silence, then a deep breath. "Hello, it's Jin. Did I catch you at a bad time?" he asked.

"No no no no.. I take it back! I am so sorry. I thought you were someone else!!" you babbled.

"So, you were expecting a call from another man? I should let you go" his voice was teasing, but you did not catch it.

"Yes...I mean noooo!! Oh my gosh, I am crazy right now, please don't hang up" you said in a rush.

"Just teasing you! I'm right here. " he soothed.

His quiet voice brought you near tears again. "I am so glad. I am so glad to hear your voice. I was just thinking of you" you said.

"I was thinking of you too. Actually I got back to town early and wondered if I could come over. I know it's short notice and you might have other plans but..."

" Yes...No...YES, wait. I am so sorry. I am just so surprised and excited. I was just wishing.....I wanted.... Oh yes, please come over" you interrupted.

"Great, I'm..." he started.

"WAIT....wait, just give me 10 minutes" you said in a panic already starting to pick up the mess you had strewn all over the house.

"Sure thing" he laughed " but don't worry about anything, please. I want to see you just the way you are"

"ok....10 minutes. I can't wait" you answered.

As the 10 minutes flew by you picked up the clothes and threw them into the closet. You shed the sweatshirt for a simple pink v neck shirt that hugged your curves.

The bell rang just as you lit the last candle. You ran to open the door and found Jin standing there. He had a bottle of wine in one hand and a huge bouquet of flowers in the other. He stepped in the door and swept you in a crushing hug. He drew back to search your face then leaned in for a slow sweet kiss. After several minutes he drew back again.

 After several minutes he drew back again

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"I am so glad to see you" he breathed.

Jin was surprised at how emotional he felt seeing you. He had missed you, but seeing your face and holding you in his arms he recalled the dozens of little things he missed about you. He missed your smile, the way you mixed up your words when you were excited, the way you fit against him, the way you sighed when he kissed you, the way your fingers always found their way into his hair. He felt contentment steal over him as he stood holding you and he tucked that discovery away to examine later.

You both stood in the doorway, wrapped around each other, kissing, until the chill of the wine bottle penetrated your thin tee shirt. You gasped at the cold and stepped back.

"Are you ok?" he asked, having forgotten about the chilled wine.

"Yes" you assured him "please come on in"

He followed you into the apartment. Remembering the things in his hands, he offered them to you and leaned for another kiss as you took them.

As you turned from putting the wine away to chill you caught Jin closing the door behind him, toeing off his shoes and entering your apartment and suddenly it felt like he was coming home.

Welcome back to Jin's story. If you need to catch up, please enjoy PERFECT. Drop a note with your thoughts. I would really enjoy your feedback♡

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