Chapter 14

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Jin cleaned up quickly. He lifted you down from the counter with a long hard kiss.

“I'll wait for you on the couch.” He said as he left you to clean up and change clothes.

You washed quickly and changed to warm sweats and  tee shirt.  You threw on an old sweater and a pair of fuzzy socks.

Entering the living room you saw Jin stretched out on the deep couch, waiting for you.  He had the pillows and blankets arranged and patted the spot beside him.  He had also changed into sweats. He had the tv turned to a ball game.

“Who' s playing?” you asked.

“ Don't know" he replied “ the drone of the announcers help me sleep sometime.  I want to take a Sunday afternoon nap with you".

You curled up next to him and kissed him, snuggling in deep.

Within minutes you were both sound asleep.

Hours later you awoke nestled in Jin's arms.  The sun had set and the room was in complete darkness.  You waited for your eyes to adjust and then spent long minutes just watching him sleep.

You resisted the urge to kiss him awake.  He would soon return to work and sleep and rest would be precious to come by.

  The deep rumbling of his stomach startled you from your thoughts.  You pressed a quick kiss to him and headed to your kitchen.

Working quietly you took the unopened dishes from last night and began to cook them per the instructions.  You left the wine for another time. The smell of garlic and other spices soon made the entire apartment smell heavenly.

Jin slowly woke up, first realizing where he was and then that those mouthwatering smells were real and not a dream. 

Lying still in the darkness he watched you move around the kitchen in the soft light. The every day tasks of you preparing his meal, washing dishes, collecting plates were endearing.

He soaked in the memories to return to when he was far from home and missed you.  That thought caused a weight to settle over him.  He shook himself, reminding himself he was here with you right now and he settled into deep peace simply watching you.

You were putting the final touches on the meal when you thought you heard him stir.  You had been absorbed in the mundane tasks of meal preparation and cleaning. 

However  as you thought about making a good meal for him, feeding him, you blushed to think you wanted him sated and happy when he left you. You looked over at the couch to find him looking at you.

Setting the timer to the stove you crossed to the couch and laid across his chest, kissing him deeply.

“Are you hungry?” you ask.

“I find that I am always hungry around you" he responded, pressing you into him.

Moments passed before he drew his head away from you.

“Baby…..” he began

The hesitation in his voice concerned you. 

At your nod he continued.
“what does your work schedule look like?  in say, the next 8 weeks?”

Your heart sank, latching onto the “8 weeks”.

Thinking a minute you said “ The next three weeks are packed. We have a major project due the 20th.  After that we will be able to relax"

Jin took a deep breath.  Three weeks, he tried to do a mental calculation as to where he would be in three weeks.

“Do you have a break coming up?  Can you take time off?” he asked.

“I have two weeks of vacation time I need to take before the end of the year.  The days really should be spaced apart though, not 14 days together” you were busy calculating how to fill and cover projects so Jin's kiss took you by surprise.

“Come  with me.  Meet me. The phone call earlier was putting some things into place.  I know it would be a lot of travel, but I can’t go that long without seeing you.  Break the days off as you can and meet me.  Our team will arrange all the transportation and lodging.  They can tell you the best days that I will have free time.” He finished in a rush “ Please"

“I have so many questions….but I can’t go that long without seeing you either.” You kissed him.” I will travel around the world to be with you".  He laughed and drew you in his lap to kiss and caress you.

“Jin…the grandmother at the bakery….” You started.

“ I know.  I felt this weird connection too.  It was like she was reliving a moment in her past that brought her joy.  That she was reliving that feeling through us" he mused.

“Yes! I felt like she was warning us that this time, this love is precious and fleeting but that it also endures all time" you tried to put your thoughts into words.

“Yes" he agreed “I love you.  Let's not just think it,  or say it, let's show that to each other"  and he bent his head to show you his love and his emotion as you melted into him to do the same.

NOTE:  I was wrong.  This and one more chapter until the Perfect Weekend is over.  Please like and share.  I love to hear from you, so please leave comments or suggestions♡

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