Chapter 15

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Some time later the insistent buzzing of the timer intruded.

"Dinner's ready." You pulled yourself away from him and the couch to take the food from the oven.

You felt him behind you, his arms around your waist, his lips on your neck. He swayed you in his arms and turned you so that he could reach the oven.

"I'll help" he said taking the food from the oven. "You sit"

He danced you around to the seat at the bar where he had loved you earlier. With a heated kiss he picked you up and sat you on the chair.

He stepped between your legs and pressed into you." This is my favorite seat in the whole world " he whispered. "I will dream about you holding me like this". One more deep kiss and he returned to the other side of the bar.

He sat the plates , silverware and drinks on the bar. He put all the dishes along the bar and came to sit beside you.

You ate casually. Leaning onto each other, sharing food and kisses.

Finishing the meal, you led him back to the couch and crawled into his arms. You laughed and talked and made plans about travel and things you both would like to see and do.

The mood was shattered by the sound of his alarm. He had to find his phone and silence it. By the time he had done that you had joined him back in the kitchen.

"My curfew with the company is within the hour. That means our flight probably leaves tonight." He kissed you and started to gather his things.

You helped him pack his bag and ensure he had everything he needed. The time to leave came much too soon.

Jin put his bags down and held out his arms. He was prepared for the physical impact of your body rushing to his. He was not prepared for the emotional impact of you stepping away from him and kissing him goodbye.

It was hard being away from you before, but this weekend had made things so much more intimate, so much clearer. He had no idea how deeply he would miss you until you stepped out of his arms.

Stepping away from him was so damn hard. You immediately felt the need for his warmth, his hands on you, his mouth.

Jin leaving this time was different. He was taking a piece of you with him this time. Your only consolation was that you still held on to a sacred piece of him, no matter where he roamed.

You walked him to the door where he kissed you again, holding your body to his, adding to his memories the feel of you, your touch.

As he lifted his head something behind you caught his eye. He stepped toward it before you realized what he was doing.

You were embarrassed that Jin had noticed your laundry basket in the laundry off the hall. You had not put the clean clothes away. In truth, you would dig through the basket this coming week and not put them away at all. This was a fact Jin did not yet need to know about you. You tried to see around him to see what drew his attention.

As he turned you first noticed the wicked gleam in his eye. Then, held between his long, elegant talented fingers was one fuzzy, pink, sock.

"I think I need to take this with me so that it does not get you into any more trouble" he growled as he pressed you against him. "And as a reminder of how damn good you make me feel without even trying". He gave a harsh laugh " as if that is not already branded into me" He crushed you to him in a bruising kiss, tongue teasing and dancing with yours.

"I have to leave or I won't" he said pressing his forehead to yours.

Drawing back to look into your eyes, he sighed "I love you"

Reaching up on tip toes to meet his mouth, you kissed him and between kisses returned his words.

You took a step back from him and watched him gather his things and walk to the door. He leaned to place a kiss on your forehead and take a deep breath of you. He turned and he was gone.

You sat on the couch in the dark clutching your phone to your chest until your tone sounded.

JIN: I made it back safely. We are packing to leave now.

YOU: be safe. Dream of us....whenever you get to sleep next

JIN: we are arriving at the airport now. Counting the days till we are together again.

YN: me toooo

There were no more texts as his flight departed.

In the night you missed a text.

JIN: " Safe in Paris. Next time I am here I want you here with me"

Tuesday morning you were deep in concentration on the project where there was a knock at your door. The administrative assistant stood there with a box in his hands.

"Delivery for you. International Overnight. Must have cost a fortune" he calculated. He stood in the door, curious to see what was in the box.

"Probably" you responded as you took it from him and gently pushed him out the door and closed it in his face.

You quickly opened the box. On the top was an envelope in a strange handwriting.

Frowning, you opened it to find an envelope containing a business card and a note reading" Mr. Kim has instructed that I make all necessary VISA and travel arrangements for you. Please contact me at your earliest convenience so that I can make your travel plans.

Underneath that was a note that Jin had written.

" When are you coming? Hurry, I miss you. The pink sock only taunts me. Hurry......please"

Under the note was pink tissue paper. As you moved the paper aside you found a dozen pair of red panties. A label in the box was from one of the most exclusive lingerie stores in Paris. Each pair was different and exquisite. In the box was another note from Jin.

"All for me! I can't wait. I love you"

Note: Ending this today was more emotional than I thought it would be. Thank you for reading Perfect Weekend. I miss Jin already!!

I will share a secret. I wondered what would happen if you mixed Jin, alcohol, and jealousy. Turns out- a lot happens! Watch for Perfect Date soon. ♡♡♡

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