Chapter 7

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You hurried to open the door just as Jin knocked.  He stepped in the door and held his hand out to stop you from coming closer. His expression was unreadable. 

He carried a black bag in his hand and he put it down in the hallway. He kicked his shoes off and hung his coat by the door, all the while keeping his eyes locked on you.

He began to slowly stalk toward you.  Something about his expression and the sensuality in his walk had you backpedaling away from him.

He smiled a wicked smile and said “ Oh no! It's too late for that.  You have had me hard all day thinking about you.  I couldn't even find the privacy to relieve myself. Stand still"

He closed the distance between you, grabbed you up into his arms, kissing you with a hard and hungry mouth, tongue parting your lips and dancing inside your mouth. You put your hands around his neck, holding onto him and pulling him into you at the same time.

“Bed….NOW!” He demanded.

Still holding you, he slid his hands to cup your ass, squeezing and kneading as he moved.  You wrapped your legs around his waist.  One hand went To the nape of his neck, running fingers in his hair.  With the other hand you reached between you and began to pull  his  shirt loose from his pants and slowly unbutton it.

He walked to the bed, sliding you down his body to stand in front of him.  He sat on the edge of your bed, drawing you back between his knees.

He reached for the hem of the flannel  shirt and drew it up slowly to reveal red satin panties, edged in lace. He ran his finger lightly around the waistband, feathering touches along the lace.

He reached to unbutton the flannel shirt.  You had buttoned the shirt from collar to hem.  Jin unbuttoned each button with agonizing slowness, tantalizing with each touch and brush of his fingers. 

He opened your shirt, revealing all of you to him. .   You struggled to breath as his eyes darkened, traveling from your face to your breasts.  He bent and kissed the valley between them, nuzzling but never reaching the aching tips.   Your body moved, trying to bring his mouth where you needed it.

He reached his hands to your hips and pulled you close to him,  feathering his fingers down into your panties.  Before he even touched you, he could tell you were wet and ready for him.  He quickly pulled down the satin and lace and groaned as you leaned into him to step out of them.

Watching his eyes trail your body back to your face, your breathing became even more ragged.  He watched as you leaned in and began to unbutton his shirt.  He pulled you in and kissed your neck and collarbone as you tried to concentrate on removing his shirt.  Jin noticed the mark he made earlier and kissed and nipped it, making the love bite even more prominent. 

Jin could not think.  Everything was pure sensation and emotion at this point.  He ached to be inside you, to have that ancient connection where the world narrowed to just the two of you.

Stepping back, you looked into his beautiful face and feelings passed between you that had no need for words.  Standing naked before him, he made you feel beautiful, treasured.  You wanted to show him with your body all the things you were feeling.

You placed your hands beneath his shirt and rolled it off his broad shoulders,  leaning to kiss his neck, his collarbone, his shoulder as each bit of skin was revealed.  You reached and slowly undid Jin's belt, then his button, and then the zipper.  His erection was straining to be touched, caressed, kissed.

As you reached down to touch him, Jin stood and switched your positions, your knees hitting the back of the bed.  As you watched with hunger, he stepped out of his pants and briefs, and taking you by surprise, lifted you and placed you on the bed as he crawled after you.

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