Chapter 3

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“I have an early call in the morning.  I will stay as late as I can tonight, but I  will need to leave from the studio in the morning.  This night is not enough for me.  May I come to you after I am done tomorrow?

Your response was to stand and go around the table and step between his knees and after a small nod to gently kiss him.

Jin pulled you onto his knee as you kissed him, holding you tight, resting his hand right below your breast. A shrill tone followed by a familiar tune broke thru the cocoon which enveloped you.

It took several rings for Jin to respond.

“Shit….it's Namjoon,…. work.  I have to take this.  I am so sorry”.  He kissed you and gathered a pencil and paper and started taking notes.

You could not hear the conversation, but it was obvious from the tone that it was serious. You left Jin to his work and quickly cleaned the kitchen and put away leftovers for tomorrow.

  You grabbed a bottle of water and took it to Jin.  He was stretched out, his long legs filling the couch. He was obviously in a very serious discussion with several of his team.  You put the bottle on the table beside him.  As you turned to leave Jin caught your hand and brought it to his mouth for a gentle kiss.  Looking at you  he mouthed “thank you" and returned to his call.

Seeing him absorbed in his call reminded you that you had a couple of work emails to finish

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Seeing him absorbed in his call reminded you that you had a couple of work emails to finish.  You gathered your papers and wine glass and headed to the opposite end of the couch.  Jin shifted his legs, making you a place on the end of the couch. You curled into the corner with your feet tucked beneath you.

After completing your first task, you looked over at Jin.  His long legs looked uncomfortably cramped.  You reached and pulled his feet into your lap, allowing him to stretch out. 

As you finished your last task, you absently traced your finger along Jin's foot.  Putting your tablet aside, you looked at his feet.  You could tell he had been working very hard these last few weeks. 

His feet were red and you could see a small blister had recently healed.  You lifted his feet and moved to go to the bathroom.  While there you grabbed a small towel and your heat activated lavender healing balm.

Returning to the couch you sat with your back to the arm, one leg crooked at the knee against the pillows at the back of the couch, the other intertwined with Jin's .  You gathered his feet back onto your lap and began to massage the first one. 

You were intent on your task as you smoothed the lotion  over his foot, moving from his long toes to his heel. You rubbed his arch  soothing out the tension, pushing his foot to point, then flex.  You placed one hand on his heel, and with the other gently rolled to flex his ankle, first one direction then the other. 

You were fully absorbed in the heat of your hands and the lotion working the muscles, easing the knots.  You relished the connection you felt just touching him. 

You were so focused you did not notice when Jin shifted and put his free foot on the floor.  You completely missed the fact his phone call had ended.  For some time you had been singing to the sultry song playing in the background and you began to dance your feet in time to the tempo.

You snapped to attention as you felt Jin grab one of your feet and groan your name.  Your eyes flew to his face to see him flushed,  his breath uneven.

“Damn Baby, are you doing this on purpose?” he ground out.

Eyes falling to his hand grasping your foot, you were horrified to find your pink fuzzy socked foot nestled in Jin's groin.  That meant until just a moment ago you had been happily rubbing your foot into his cock.  Blushing, you could see the evidence of just that bulging in his sleek dress pants.

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