Chapter 11

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The drive to the chic new restaurant was short and you both were excited as the large building came into view.  This was the perfect spot for an extravagant celebration.  However, finding a place to park was difficult and as you neared the front doors you could see why. 

There was a line of people waiting out the door and down the street.  Jin stopped and drew a deep breath.  You could tell he was really disappointed.

Kissing you he led you to the back of the line“Stay right here.  Give me just a minute”

You watched as he charmed his way down the line and into the front door.  You could see into the foyer and watched as he leaned against the reservation desk.  He slowly took his sunglasses off and smiled at the older woman with the seating chart.  You saw him laugh, bow slightly and make his way back toward you.  As he stopped his smile faded.

“I am so sorry.  I should have planned ahead.  It will be an hour wait. “  You could tell he was frustrated.

You reached to take his hand.  “Let's walk around and see what else is around here.  This is a new part of town for me"

You walked for several minutes, his arm around your waist. You made several turns until you found a lively side street market. You excitedly pulled him toward the colorful booths and small shops. 

You soon found a small bakery with a tree covered courtyard.  Café chairs and  small tables made a charming and private retreat, while still providing a view to the bustling street.   Inside the bakery there was a small private table that was perfect for the two of you. The display case was laden with small cakes, doughnuts and meat pastries. 

“Let's stop here" he said, pulling you inside the café

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“Let's stop here" he said, pulling you inside the café.

Immediately a woman, tiny with a crown of silver hair, approached the table.   She smiled at both of you, then stopped and put her hand to Jin's cheek.

“ You are a beautiful man “ she cooed to him, causing him to blush and smile at her.

She turned to look at you  putting her hand to her heart  and spoke rapidly to Jin.

He looked at you, blushing again and laughed. At the old woman's urging he explained,

“She says you are glowing.  She says I loved you well last night and that you are a lucky girl"  the old woman laughed and returned to the bakery counter.

She returned quickly with a selection of both sweet and savory pastries and drinks. 

She sat a cup of amber tea in front of Jin and insisted he drink.  As he lifted the cup she winked at you and whatever she said caused Jin to strangle on the drink.  She laughed and slapped him on the back till he could breathe again. 

She stood, waiting hands on hips, till he drained the cup.  She leaned her head toward you, indicating he should share what she said.

Clearing his throat, he glanced at the old lady and back at you. 

Blushing again he said “ she says that I needed this.  It is restorative and for stamina.  She says I'll need it this afternoon”

It was your turn to strangle on your drink while the old woman cackled.

You laughed and talked and ate, nestled inside the timelessness of the bakery. As the afternoon wore on the street became crowded and a line grew for the intimate tables.

Jin took your hand across the table and asked if you were ready to go.  At your nod he stood to pull back your chair and  the old woman appeared from the back and stood in front of him.  She once again reached her hand to cup his face and stood for a long moment searching his face.

Jin looked into the face of the old woman.  He suddenly saw past the wrinkles and grey hair and saw the beauty she once was.

In her eyes he saw she searched him for something, a memory or a familiar feeling.  It seemed she found what she sought as she smiled and cupped his face in her wrinkled hands. 

Seeing recognition or some past love in her face, he bent to tenderly kiss her on the check.  As he straightened he brushed a tear from the old woman’s face. 

You saw the grandmother approach Jin and reach for him, searching his face.  Looking at them standing in the early afternoon sun, you could see an echo of the woman's past and a perhaps a glimpse of your future.

Your heart caught when Jin bent to kiss her. Your eyes met his as he straightened and you could see the silent promise in them.

The old lady turned from his embrace and placed her hand on your face.

“Always remember this time, this feeling" and she walked away.

Jin took you in his arms.  You both were a bit shaken by the depth and intimacy of the encounter.

Jin left a generous payment on the table and silently guided you from the shop.  Outside, before you left the courtyard and entered the now busy market place, Jin drew you close and gently kissed you. “Let's go home" he said.

You nodded and kissed him back. 

“Please…let's go home" you agreed.

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