Chapter 9

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“You make perfect sense" he said drawing back. “ I feel it too.  There are no words. Let me show you “

At that he gently turned so that you were beneath him.  Your legs opened naturally to cradle him to the center of you.  His mouth and hands roamed, touching and caressing you.

He leaned above you on his elbows and kissed you.  Drawing back to look at you he slowly entered you.  You felt his slow glide fill  an emptiness you had not realized existed till that moment.

  His eyes never left yours.  He did not move right away, rather held himself still allowing the both of you to marvel at the feeling of being joined together in the most intimate way. However  this time you both knew this connection, this joining was more than just physical.

He bent to kiss you,  then again looking in your eyes he began to slowly stroke in and out.  Both of you were lost in the sensation, knowing there was no need to rush only the need to feel. 

Jin soon settled into a steady rhythm, rocking you gently in his arms.  Sighs and soft moans filled the room. Your bodies were expressing the emotions you both were feeling. 

Still gentle and slow, Jin began to vary the depth of his stroke.  His body was asking questions, seeking to know you, the deepest part of you.

Your response was to surrender to him, allowing him to set the tempo for your body, not meeting him or chasing his rhythm, just trusting him.  Your body and heart opened to him, revealing your secrets, receiving every dip and thrust he gave you.

Jin groaned your name and you both felt the fire ignite within you. Leaning closer to you he stroked deeper,  brought his fingers to dip into you, breathing moans into your ear.

Grabbing his shoulders , your body arched hard into his and fell into bliss.  Slow, hard spams rocked your body. He stilled in you as you tightened and clenched around him.  The strength of your orgasm swept him away.  He dropped his head to your shoulder and emptied himself into you, his entire body shuddering over yours.

Jin slumped into your arms and nuzzled your neck.  He covered you until both of you were breathing normally again

Jin struggled to catch his breath and his thoughts. He had never made love like that before.  Even now he did not want to withdraw from you, could not sever the connection.

An internal debate raged between his raw feelings and his overbearing need to protect his heart .  Within a heartbeat he shut down all the arguments in his head and listened to the pounding of his heart.

One hand clutched his head to you like a life line.  You intentionally matched your breathing to his.  Your other hand wrapped around his waist to hold him close, seeking to keep the connection just a moment more.

Your first thought came to you clear and fully formed.  Your head immediately began to protest, your anxiety naming fears to make you question.  But as your breath matched his and you felt his heart beating hard against your chest, you knew.

You knew.

As Jin drew away from you he looked into your tear filled eyes.  You noticed his eyes also glistened with unshed emotion. Placing his forehead to yours he simply breathed you in for long moments.

His kissed you gently, reverently, like the first time he touched you, like he was holding your fragile heart in his hands.

He simply said “I love you".

Your tears spilled as you drew a ragged breath   “I love you too…so much"

He bent to kiss you again, ” Don't cry" he whispered, wiping a tear from your face. 

As he  drew back from you a single perfect tear rolled down his face and you reached to kiss it away.

In the early hours before dawn you talked and caressed and shared fears and hopes  with each other until you fell asleep, exhausted, wrapped around each other. 

Perfect Weekend   Book 2Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon