Your first word

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Pein was in his office doing some paperwork while you were on the floor playing with your toys, until konan came in to talk to pein, then you got bored of your toys and you looked at both pein and Konan trying to get there attention. But they didn't seem to notice you. Then you remembered that konan calls him pain when she wants to get his attention, so you then said " pain " both pein and Konan looked at you, then pein walked up to you " what did you say", you looked at him " pain " then he gives you a small smile " yes (y/n) we'll show everyone pain ".


You were in the living room playing with your toys while konan went to talk to pein about something, konan came back and saw you playing with your toys and sits next to you, konan watches you play with your toys until you turn to her and look at her. Konan smiles at you and you then try to say something, konan " what is it (y/n) "?, You then say " paper angel " and points at her, konan smiles " yes (y/n) but your my paper angel " and kisses your cheek


You were playing with tobi with your toys until tobi pulled out a lollipop and started to eat it, you then looked at him confused then tobi looks at you, tobi " what is it (y/n)-chan why are you looking at tobi like that "?. You point to the lollipop and tobi said " oh this it's a lollipop it's candy if (y/n)-chan a good girl then tobi will give (y/n) some candy too ", then you say " candy " tobi " what! (Y/N)-chan you just said your first word tobi has to show senpai ". Tobi then picks you up and ran until he found deidara, tobi " senpai, senpai "!, Deidara looks at him annoyed " what is it tobi un ", tobi puts you out so deidara can see you while tobi is holding you " senpai look what (y/n)-chan can say ", you then say " candy! Candy! " While you giggle, deidara " well would you look at that she finally said her first word yeah ", tobi " yeah (y/n)-chan did (y/n/)-chan is a good girl ".


Deidara and sasori were having a argument about who art is better while you watched them, sasori " you've got it all wrong brat what's the point of making something if your going to destroy it after word ", deidara " no you're wrong true art is when you make something and you then Destroy it into an explosion un, because true art is an- ". A little voice said " external "!, Both deidara and sasori turn to look at you, deidara run up to you " no (y/n) true art is an explosion not external yeah", you then said " external, external!," You then giggle, deidara " no! Un" Sasori " looks like my niece knows what true art is ".


Sasori and deidara were once again having another argument about art while you watched them, deidara " you've got it all wrong un, true art is when you create something then explode it yeah ", sasori " you're wrong brat what's the point of creating something if your going to destroy after word. Deidara " because un, true art is an-" a little voice said " explosion "!, Both deidara and sasori turn to look at you, deidara " (y/n) right true art is an explosion see even your daughter know what true art is un", sasori then kicks deidara picks you up and walk to his room, sasori " you're spending too much time with that brat that's a problem ".


Hidan was once again talking about Jashin-sama and you were playing with your building blocks, Kakuzu was the one who was listening to him and even paying attention, hidan " oi old fucker aren't you ever listing "! Kakuzu " hidan I don't care about you and your religion if anything you should pay more attention to (y/n) ", hidan " who the bitch I don't care she can take care of herself ". Kakuzu " she's a child she needs someone to look after her ", Kakuzu walks over to her and knees down to her height, Kakuzu " isn't that right little one " he then Pat your head, you look at him and said " bitch ", Kakuzu looks at you a little Surprise while hidan is laughing so hard, hidan " hahahahahahaha the bitch just called you bitch hahahahahahaha ", Kakuzu looks at you then at hidan " your a bad influence I'm starting to regret my decision on letting you raise her on your own ".


Kakuzu was at his desk counting money while you were playing with your building blocks, you eventually got bored and crawled over to Kakuzu to see what he was doing. She saw him counting his money you were quite confused for you didn't know what money was, that is until you remembered a argument hidan and him had about it yesterday. You then said " money " and Kakuzu then looks at you, Kakuzu " what did you say little one ", you say " money " and point to the money, Kakuzu smiles and pats your head, " yes little one it is ".


Kisame was in the pool taking a swim while you were under a tree on a blanket playing with your toys, kisame would look at you ever now and then to see if you were ok, then kisame got out a little while later and sat next to you. Kisame see you playing with your toys he then smiles at you, kisame " your so cute (y/n) ", you look at him and said " blue " and point at him while giggling, kisame looks at you surprise and smiles " yeah blue it's a color that suits you ".


Itachi and you were in his on his bed you were playing with your toys while he watched you, Itachi " say your about the age when your suppose to start and speaking ",you then look at him and smile. Itachi " can you say daddy (y/n) ", you then say " peace ", Itachi looks at you shocked a little but then smiles at you, Itachi " yes (y/n) there will be a day when the ninja world will be in peace I promise ", he pats your head and you giggle his smile widen.

Author notes: hey this is author-chan thank you all for reading, also I'll like to announce that I'm taking requests so if you'll like to request a scenario just leave a comment. Also like and comment.

~ pikatachi🤗

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