your pregnant

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You were quite bored and didn't know what to do so you decided to prank someone, and that lucky someone was your father, you decided to pull the I'm pregnant prank, so you got a pregnancy test and made it look like it said positive. You walked to your father's office and knocked on the door, you then hear him say " come in ", so you walked in and closed the door and looked at him, pein " oh it's you (y/n) what is it that you need, I'm very busy so please make it quick ", you looked at him and said " I have to tell you something ", he was doing some paperwork and said " make it quick I'm very busy ", you took a deep breath and said " I'm pregnant " you look away from him, the room went quite for a few seconds until you heard something snap. You look back at him and saw the pen he was using he snapped it in half and ink was on his hand, pein " I'm sorry did I hear you clearly, did you just say you're pregnant ", you hold up the pregnancy test and said " I'm pretty sure", pein then stood up and said " who's the father ", you then said " what " he then said " who's the father ", you gulped and said " why do you want to know ". He got his ninja pouch out and started to put kunai knives in it, you then said " dad what are you doing ", pein " nothing " you said " dad no your not going to kill him ", pein " I just want to talk " he continue to fill his ninja pouch, you said " dad no " he then said " I just want to talk " he puts some shirkirken in the pouch, you then said " dad stop " he then said " I just want to talk " he puts his ninja pouch on. Pein " I just want to kill him " he pulls two rods out of his arms, you look at him scared then the door open and hidan walks in, hidan " hey what the fuck do you want- ", you then said " it was him " hidan then said " yeah I did that's why I'm here now what the fuck do you want ", pein then threw a rod at him and he dodged it, hidan " what the fuck what's your problem! ", Pein " your dead " he then chases him out of the room, you found him five minutes later with hidan on the floor with fifthteen rods in his back with a twisted smile on his face, and your fathers foot on his head. You decided your prank went on long enough and decided to tell him it was all a prank, let's just say he was not happy he gave you a lecturing about teen pregnancy, then he called konan and they gave you the sex talk again because he said you clearly didn't understand it, and you were not allowed to be in the same room or Alone with hidan ever again there always had to be someone with you guys.


You were bored and decided to pull a prank on your mother, and that prank was the I'm pregnant prank, so you got a pregnancy test and made it look like it said positive. You walked to your mother room and knock on the door, you heard a " come in ", and you walked inside to see her making some paper origami, she turns around and See's you and said " hello my paper angel what is it that you need ", you took a deep breath and said " mom I'm pregnant ". She put down her paper origami and looked at you and said " are you sure ", you walk up her and hold up the pregnancy test, she looks at it and puts it down on a nearby counter, she puts her hands on your shoulders and said " ok everything alright sweetie, I'll be with you every step of the way, even though the father dosen't want to be there ". you start to tear up and say " oh mom it was just a prank I'm sorry ", you hug her and she hugs you back, konan " oh thank God I was scared there a minute ", you then said " why is that " she then said " because I thought I lost my little girl ", you both then hug each other and cry, pein walks into the room, pein " ko- I'm not even going to ask ", he closes the door and leaves.


You were bored and you didn't know what to do after some time you saw tobirama, he told you to pull a prank on your dad and you agreed, and guess what prank you pulled yup you got it right the I'm pregnant prank. so you got a pregnancy test and made it look like it said positive, you tobirama and hashirama were on your way to meet up with your father and izuna, you told hashirama about your prank and decided to join in with you guys, you guys met up with them the first thing your father did was glare at tobirama, hashirama " Madara (y/n) has something she has to tell you ". Madara looks at you and you took a deep breath and said " I'm pregnant ", his eyes looked like they were about to pop out of his head, Madara " I-i'm sorry did I hear you right, you said you were pregnant ", you then said " yeah I'm pregnant did I
stutter do I have to prove it ", Madara " ugh yes you do ". You then show him the pregnancy test and said " see positive do you believe me now ", Madara then said " wh-who, what, how, who's the father ", tobirama then walked and stands aside from you and wraps a hand around your shoulder, tobirama " that would be ". Madara was glaring at him and tobirama glares back but with a smirk on his face, hashirama " wait a second your telling me all those times I heard you and your " lover " doing the dirty it was (y/n) ", Madara eye twitched and he started to grind his teeth and said " what ", tobirama " oh right you don't know yet, me and (y/n) have been lovers for the last four months ". Izuna " wait you're telling me that you and my niece have been secret lovers and she's now knocked up ", you nod your head and said " that's right I wonder what we're going to name them, I was thinking of Yuri for a girl and Blake for a boy ", you put a hand on your stomach when you say this and you see your father trying his hardest to keep himself calm, you then said " oh don't worry before you say anything he's going to be taking tobirama last name, for I don't think they'll be suitable enough to be an Uchiha ". Madara " hell no your too young you have your hole future ahead of you, you can't just throw that away ", and he looks at tobirama and said " and you, your dead " he said in a dark tone and you tobirama and hashirama start to laugh your ass off, Madara and izuna look at you confused, Madara " what's so damn funny " you guys calm down and you say " the point that you took that serious it was a prank, you should of seen the look on your faces priceless ", they looked shocked and they said " wh-what " you nod your head, Madara " do you think teen pregnancy is a joke your lady do you know how many teenager girls life's get messed up because of it are you not aware of the consequences ", you then said " yes dad I am and believe I don't won't be having any children any time soon ", you start to walk away but turn back at them and said " besides I still want to be a strong warrior like Mulan " and you walk away.

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