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When they met you

Orochimaru was currently in his lab do some experiments when someone bursted open the door, Orochimaru turns around angry, Orochimaru " what the hell kabato ", kabato had a worried look on his face. Kabato " lord Orochimaru! It's (m/n) she badly injured, and ", Orochimaru stopped what he was doing and looked at kabato suprised, Orochimaru " and what happened to her "! Kabato looks at the ground and said" she's dead  ", Orochimaru looks shocked , Orochimaru " what", kabato " I'm sorry we tried to save her but she didn't make it ". Orochimaru " who killed her ", kabato " some ninjas from the hidden mist village ", Orochimaru " and where are they ", kabato " we capture them there in a cell ". Orochimaru " good ", kabato " but there's something I must show you ", Orochimaru looked at him confused and kabato walked out of his lab, he came back two minutes late and came with two blankets in his arms. Kabato " when we arrived at (m/n) house we heared crying and we went to see what was cause of it, we found them in (m/n) room ", Orochimaru " what are you saying kabato ", kabato " these two babies are your Lord Orochimaru ". Orochimaru looks at the two babies and see that they look exactly the same, they had pale skin, little black hairs, and they were both girls, Orochimaru " may I hold them ", kabato nods his head and hands him the babies, Orochimaru looks at them and right there and then he decided he wanted to do what ever he can to protect them. Orochimaru " there beautiful " he smiles, kabato " what are you going to name them ", Orochimaru " the one in my left arm will be name emo, and the one in my right would be name (y/n) ", kabato " I see ", Orochimaru " yes indeed ".

Your first word

You and emo where both in your father lab playing with your toys, while Orochimaru and kabato were talking about something, you both eventually got bored. You then wanted to get your father attention but he wouldn't look at you, you then pounted cause he wouldn't seem to notice you, emo noticed this and looked at you, you then got a idea and tried to say something. Emo noticed this and looked at you confused until she finally realized what you wanted to say, so you both were trying to say something, until you both said " snake "!, Orochimaru and kabato both turned and looked at you both. Kabato " what did you both say ", you and emo said " snake " and you both smile, Orochimaru " yes both will love snakes won't you ", you both giggle and Orochimaru smiles.

Your first steps

Even since you said your first word with emo you decided you wanted to take your first steps with her, so you refused to walk until emo did, so here was Orochimaru was in his lab trying to make you walk but you refused. Orochimaru was getting quite annoyed by this, he knew you wouldn't walk till emo did, then he got an idea, Orochimaru " kabato "!, Kabato then came in, kabato " yes Lord Orochimaru ", Orochimaru " can you help emo try to walk while I try to help (y/n) ". Kabato " of course ", he walked over to emo who was playing with building blocks, kabato " hey there emo do you want to lean how to walk ", emo looked at him bored, kabato sweat dropped but then started to help her walk. You noticed this so you let Orochimaru help you walk, an hour late there was no progress you would only take a couple steps and would fall, you were getting tired and noticed emo was too, so you tried getting up you fell the first time but the second time we managed to get up and walk towards emo, emo noticed this and started to walk towards you, you both finally made it to each other and grabs each other hands and started to walk out the room, Orochimaru was quite angry you just left but was happy you finally walked, kabato " those two are quite close aren't they ", Orochimaru " Indeed they are ".

They sing you a lullbay/song

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