when your sick

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You were in bed sick and you weren't quite happy about it, your father was out getting you medicine while konan was watching you. Konan " how are you feeling" you then said " fine ", pein then walked in with the medicine, pein " you may leave now ", konan nodded her head and left, pein then got a spoonful of medicine and looked at you. Pein " open your mouth ", you looked at him and shook your in saying no, pein " (y/n) if you don't drink your medicine your not going to get better so, open your mouth ". You just looked at him in saying no, he then started at you too and you guys glared at each other, this went on for two hours until you took the medicine, pein " see it wasn't that bad ", you gave him the silence treatment.


You were in bed sick once your mother found out she told you to stay in bed, you protested at first but she wouldn't back down so you gave in, you knew better than to argue with her. Your mother came in with your medicine, Konan " sweetie it's time to take your medicine ", you then said " mom I'm fine you don't need to worry about me ", konan " nonsense now open your mouth ". You said " but mom I'm fine really ", konan " but sweetie if you don't take your medicine I'll only get worse, your fever will get higher and you'll have to go to a hospital and- ", you said " mom stop! Ok I'll take the medicine ", you took the medicine , you said " see all better ", konan " of course ", inside her head she said " plane successful "


You were in bed sick right now and your father was running around the base trying to get you your medicine, you told him you were fine but he wouldn't listen and insisted that you stay in bed, after a hour of back and forth you gave in. So here you are in bed while your father got you your medicine, Tobi " (y/n)-chan Tobi back and got you the medicine ", you smile " ok dad and can I see it so I can drink it ", Tobi " no Tobi will give (y/n)-chan her medicine now open your mouth ". You opened your mouth and took it, after an hour you noticed you only got worse , you then said " hey Dad can I see the medicine you got me ", Tobi " (y/n)-chan can cause Tobi a good boy ", he handed you the medicine and saw he had given you medicine for headaches, you then said " dad this isn't cold medicine, this is headache medicine ", tobi " what! But Tobi swore he got the right one ", you said " I guess not ", in the end you tole Sasori to go with Tobi to get the right medicine.


You were in your room right now in your bed covered in blankets, you had a fever and your father wouldn't allow you to get out of bed for nothing except for the restroom. Deidara " i'm back un, i brought you your medicine yea ", he walks up to you and pours a spoonful of medicine up to your mouth, deidara " now say ahh un ", you didn't open your mouth and you turn the other way. Deidara " (y/n) You need to drink your medicine to get better now open your mouth yea ", you still refused to open your mouth, this went on for thirty minutes until finally you took the medicine, deidara " yes un! I finally got you to- ". You spit the medicine at him and said " I don't like it ", and deidara tried to make you drink the medicine again, until he had enough and snuck it in your food so you could drink it.


You were in your bed sick and your father was in his room making you some medicine. You were in your room reading a book when you heard someone knock on your door, you said " come in " your father then came in with your medicine, Sasori " your medicine is done now open your mouth ", you obeyed your father not only because you were sick but because he can easily position you, Sasori " there not that bad was it ", you said " no not really ".


Right now you were in bed because you were sick, and your father and kakuzu were out getting your medicine. You were reading a book when your room door got knocked open, hidan " WERE BACK BITCH "!, Kakuzu then hit him on top of his head, kakuzu " shut up idiot (y/n) head might hurt ", hidan " well that's not my problem old fucker ", kakuzu signs . You then put your book down and said " would you stop shouting your voice is annoying ", Hidan " the fuck did you say bitch "!, You said " I said stop shouting your voice is annoying ". Hidan " well that's not my fault bitch "!, Kakuzu then hit hidan on his head, kakuzu " shut it idiot, anyways (y/n) I got you your medicine ", you then said " oh really kakuzu you didn't have to wast money on me ", kakuzu " your sick besides it's for you so it's worth it ". He walks over to you and gave you the medicine, you thanked him and drank it, hidan " hey what about me I got it for you too ", you said " I'm pretty sure you force to, besides I'm pretty sure if you had the chance you'd wast your money on some hooker ", hidan " look here bitch if I had the choice your damn right I would, and be thankful I actually bother to go with the old fucker to get it ", you then said " kakuzu had to force you to go with ", hidan was about to say something when kakuzu chopped his head off, kakuzu " your starting to get annoying now shut up, I'm sorry about this little one ", you said " I get it just make sure I don't see him again today ", kakuzu nods his head and drags his body out of your room.


You were sick in bed right now and your father went out to get your medicine and told hidan to watch you. Hidan " so bitch tell me what do you like ", you said " my name (y/n) and why would I tell you ", hidan " so we can bond ", you said " why would I want to bond with you ", hidan " just because ", you said " your a person who likes to inflicted on on there self, not to mention you sacrifice people to some God of your, and you would fuck any girl you see ". Hidan was about to say something when your father came in, kakuzu " plus your an idiot and moron ", hidan " shut up! Anyway your here I've got to go Lord jashin is telling me to go kill some people later ". He walks out kakuzu then gets a spoonful of your medicine and looks at you, kakuzu " open your mouth ", you said " I don't wanna ", kakuzu " I didn't ask if you wanted to your going to open your mouth because I said so ", you said " no ", kakuzu " I'm not playing games open your mouth ", you said " make me ". He then tackle you down on the bed and forced your mouth open and put the medicine in your mouth and closed your mouth, kakuzu " swallow it ", you saw no way out so you swallowed it, he got off you, kakuzu " see it wasn't that bad ", you just glared at him.


You were in bed right now sick and your father went out to get you some medicine, you were reading a book when he came back, Kisame " i'm back mermaid ". You said " welcome back dad ", Kisame then poured the medicine in the spoon and turned to you, Kisame " ok now open your mouth ", you opened your mouth and took it, about half an hour late you noticed it wasn't taking affect. You then said " hey Dad can I see that medicine that you bought ", Kisame " sure thing mermaid ", and looked at it and noticed it wasn't cold medicine but it was medicine for babies who are teething, you then said " dad this isn't cold medicine this is teething medicine ", Kisame " what really I didn't notice I'm sorry mermaid I should of payed more attention to the label ". You then said " it's ok dad just ask Itachi to get the right one ", Kisame" ah ok ", in the end Itachi got the right medicine while your dad kept apologies.


You were in bed right now sick and your dad had went out to get you some medicine, your were reading a book when he came back, Itachi " I'm back (y/n) ", you said " welcome back dad ". Itachi then got a spoonful of medicine and looked at you, " open your mouth ", you opened your mouth and took your medicine. Itachi " there not as bad as you thought ", you said " it taste bad ", Itachi hands you a glass of water, Itachi " here drink some water ", you nodded your head and drank some, you then said " thanks for taking care of me dad ", Itachi " that's what father are for " he pats your head and smiles at you, you smile back.

Author notes:  hey this is author-chan thanks for reading, hope you liked this chapter, also wanted to let you guys know I'm still taking request, and I'm thinking about adding zetzu, Madara, and Orochimaru but I want Orochimaru to have twins but I'm not sure if I should make both of them reader-chan or if one  of them reader-chan and the other one of my oc I don't know so if you guys can leave a comment down below to let me know that will help me out a lot, anyway that's all I have to say have a good day/night author-chan out.
~ pikatachi 🤗

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