when they get drunk

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You were quite confused on how your father got drunk, konan had told you hidan was trying to convince him to drink, but he refused and hidan said " your not a true God unless you can drink ten bottles of sake ". And your father fell for hidan little trick and now here he is drunk off his ass in his office, Konan had told you to watch him while she delivered a scroll, and he was pretty calm when drunk. Pein " hey (y/n) why are they four of you " you then said " there's not there's only one of me ", he looks confused and said " hey (y/n) you want to know something " you then said " sure what ", pein " do you ever look at a kunai knife and say ' wow for such a small weapon it can do so much, like using it to stab someone and using it to cut them open and ripping there organs out with it ". You look at him shock and said " no what why would I ever think that " pein then said " I don't know ", you then said " ok how about I tell you something " he then said " ok what is it " you then said " do you  kill someone without actually killing them " ( eh any killing stalking fans no ok I'll be quiet ), pein was about to answer you but didn't and didn't and started thinking about it. He stayed like that for a while konan then came back, konan " I'm back what did I miss " pein then said " konan how do you kill someone without actually killing them ", Konan " what " you then said " I asked him that and he's been trying to figure it out, he shouldn't cause you any trouble, well I'm going to bed have a good night ", you then walk out of the office.


You and pein had just walked out his office and you saw hidan, deidara, Kisame, Tobi, and your mother around the table having a drinking game. Pein " what is going on here " itachi then said " hidan got bored and he wanted to play a drinking game, he tried to make me, kakuzu, and sasori join but we declined and so now there playing a drinking game ". You looked confused pein walks over to your mother and said " konan please don't tell me your drunk ", konan " what I'm perfectly fine " you then said " mom how many fingers am I hold up " you hold up two fingers. Konan " now sweetie a drunk person would see eight fingers but your holding up four fingers " you then said " mom I'm holding up two fingers ", she looks confused pein shakes his head and said " that's it you've had enough " he takes away her drink. Konan " hey (y/n) can I bread your hair " you look confuse but say ok ( if you don't have long hair then pretend you do for this once ), she breads your hair and puts bows in your hair, Konan " oh don't you look nice " you then said " yeah I guess I do " konan was about to say something but she passes out, pein signs and takes her to her room, while you just stay there confused but then you go to your room.


You, izuna, hashirama, tobirama, mito, and your father were all gather around a table, and the adults were having a drinking game and your father was already drunk. At first your father didn't want to drink but then tobirama told him, of course he didn't for he knew he'll get drunk easily and called him a little bitch. This pissed your father off and him and tobirama decided to have a drinking game to decide who could get drunk faster, and your father Lost but didn't want to admit it. Tobirama " c-can onn Uchiha, just admit it you lost " Madara then said " a-as if I'm perfectly fine ", hashirama " I think you've had enough Madara, why don't you just stop drinking and relax ", Madara " I'm finnne so lay off my back ". You chuckle for how he's acting even though he was drunk he was stubborn, Madara " hey senji why don't we fight and I'll prove I'm alright ", tobirama " are you kidding me you can bearly stand, I may be rude but that's a audiomatic win for me, and I'll feel kinda bad for doing such a thing ". Madara " I'm fine damn it fight me " izuna said " your obviously not fine your drunk, why don't you just relax and- ", Madara then said " I said I'm fine, plus I think you don't want to fight me because you know I'll obvious win ". Tobirama " what no way I'm not scared " Madara " you so are you just a little chicken ", tobirama " I'm not a chi- " your father start to make chicken noises and point at tobirama and call him a chicken, tobirama " I'm not a chicken I'll prove it grab your sword ". He grabs his sword hashirama tries to hold tobirama back while izuna tries to hold Madara back, you shake your head and say " idiots " mito then say " yeah " you then said " 20 yen that my dad will lose ", mito " Your not going to be he's going to win " you then said " nah they'll both pass out before they could even fight each other ". Mito " i doubt that " you then said " want to bet on it ", mito " yeah i'll give you fifthy yen if they do but if they don't you owe me fifthy yen ", you then said " deal "you turn around to see tobirama and Madara got out of hashirama and izuna grips. But before they could even do anything they both pass out, you then said " told you ", Mito gives you fifthy yen and you put it in your pocket.

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