Tobi/Obito remake

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Ok so I was reading through my senarios and honestly I hate how obito senarios are coming out. So I'm going to rewrite them, plus I was talking to my sister and she helped me, but if anyone liked the old ones sorry.

When they met you

Obito was on the way to his girlfriend house for she had given birth to their daughter, but he was out on a mission so he couldn't be there. He got to the house but felt something was off, he walked inside and saw everything was trashed he eyes widen, he walks into the living room and sees (m/n) on the floor face on the floor and she was in a pool of blood. He walked over to her and turned her around and she had a stab wound through her heart, he takes off his mask and a single tear drops, Obito " I'm sorry I came too late (m/n) ". He kisses her forehead then he hears a a little cry come from the closet, he lays (m/n) down and walks to the closet, he opens it and sees you wrapped up in a spot pink blanket, he picks you up and look at you, he rocks you back and forth. Obito " shhhh it's ok daddy's here, I promise to protect you from now on ", you then calm down and smile Obito then said " it's ok nothing going to happen to you I'll protect you from here on out (y/n).

Your first words

You were in the living room while deidara was watching you, no one in the akatsuki knew you were Tobi's daughter, Tobi just told them he found you alone in a cabin. He took you in and decided to raise you that's was what happened, but in reality he was your father but no one knew not even pein. You were playing with your toys when Tobi came in, Tobi " thank you senpai for watching (y/n)-chan " deidara then said " yeah whatever un ", You saw your father and motion for him to hold you, he looks over at you and picks you up and you start to giggle, deidara " hey isn't she around the age she starts to talk un " Tobi then said " Tobi dosen't know (y/n)-chan hasn't said anything yet ". They started to talk and wanted to get your father attention, you remembered when deidara wanted his attention he'll call him Tobi so you decided to try, at first you couldn't figure out how but then you said " tobi! ". Deidara and Tobi look at you confused and deidara said " what did you say hn ", you then said " tobi! " Tobi then hugs you close and said " (y/n)-chan said her first words (y/n)-chan is a good girl! ", Deidara sweatdrops and just walks away.

Your first steps

You were in the akatsuki living room watching cartoons on the TV, while itachi watched you for Tobi was out on a mission. You were intertain but then you heard the base door open and turned around and saw deidara and your father walk into the living room, you were happy you saw Tobi and deidara talking you wanted to get to your father but didn't want to crawl. You tried stand up but fell Itachi noticed and helped you stand up and you tried to take a step forward but fell, itachi helped you up and you started to make your way towards Tobi and deidara. Itachi " would you two idiots shut up for a moment and care to turn around ", deidara " what did you just call me you damn uchiha un! " Tobi looks and sees you walking he then gets on his knees. Tobi " that's it (y/n)-chan come to Tobi " you hear him say that and you walk towards him, you finally make it to him and hug him, Tobi " (y/n)-chan you did it (y/n)-chan is a good girl! ", Deidara smiles and itachi face looks emotionless but he's happy you learned to walk.

They sing you a lullaby/song

You were being fussy and were tired but refused to go to bed, Obito didn't know what to do he tried rocking you back and forth, he gave you a bottle, changed his diaper, he even took you a shower he then decided to sing you a song.

Five little monkeys jumping on the bed
One fell off and bumped his head
Mama called the doctor
And the doctor said
No more monkeys jumping on the bed

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