you turn into a boy pt 1

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While out in the forest with an akatsuki/ sasuke/ mito. A group of ninjas came to ambush you, but one of the ninjas injected you with a poison, and you turned into a boy.


Pein looked at you confused, after hidan and kakuzu finished explaining the story, you sat there feeling very uncomfortable. Pein " my goddess? " You then said " I'm not much of a girl now, so I don't even know what you could call me ". Pein " alright, well I'll ask Sasori to make something to reverse this. In the meantime try to get use to your new body ", you then said " uh... alright, in this body can I hangout with hidan alone? ". Pein " absolutely not, you and him can still.... ", Hidan " FUCK!!! " kakuzu yells " hidan! ". Hidan " WHAT?! " You only turn red from embarrassment, you then said " I'm just going to go to my room ".


Konan " oh no you're not longer my little girl!! ", Konan sat crying and you were confused. You then said " are you angry I'm no longer a female mom? ", Konan " of course not, I'm just sad because I'll never get to see you in a beautiful wedding dress ". You then said " oh mom ", you then hug her and you both start crying. Pein walked in to ask Konan something but quickly walked out, pein " not even going to ask ".


Hashirama " oh no! My (y/n)-chan now a boy! ", Izuna then said " oh my ". Tobirama " so you're a bit now? ", Madara then said " I'm liking this ", you then said " you perfer me being a boy? ". Madara " yes ", you then said " I need to a girl again, I really don't like this ", tobirama " I'll try to look if we have anything to reverse this ". Madara " don't you dare senju! ", Tobirama " oh what's that?, Look for one sure thing uchiha ", tobirama runs out the door, Madara " get back here senju! ". You watch as your father chases tobirama, you turn towards izuna and said " can we go buy me a change of clothes, I don't like this outfit I'm wearing ', izuna " sure come now ". And so you and izuna go and buy you a pair of clothes.


Zetzu stands there looking at you confused, and you stand there looking back at him. Zetzu " so you're a " " boy? ", You then said " u-uh y-yeah ". Zetzu " uh well this is " " awkward ", and you nod your head. Zetzu " well no matter what " " we still love you the same ", you then said " u-uh th-thanks d-dad ".


Tobi " noooooo (y/n)-chan a boy!!!!! ", You then said " Tobi please calm down, I'm still the same (y/n) ". You tell him to calm down as your waving your hands frantically to calm him down, Tobi grabs your hand and drags you into his room. Once inside he takes off his mask, obito " how did this exactly happen? ", You then said " well you see me and itachi were taking a stroll through the forest, next thing you know we're being ambushed. And I was injected with something, and puff I'm a boy ". Obito " oh.....uh ok, well then I'll tell leader-sama, so sasori can make something ", you nod your head " alright ".


Deidara " noooooo my master piece has been ruin hn!!!! ", You then said " dad please calm down I'm perfectly fine ". Deidara " but your a boy un ", you then said " yeah, and? You going to love me any less? ", Deidara Then said " of course not yeah!! ". You then said " then shut up about it, your starting to sound like Tobi ", deidara then said " you're so rude hn! ".


Currently you and your father were starting at each other, for you had came back from a stroll with the two idiots aka Tobi and deidara, and now you're a boy. Sasori " i honestly don't know what to do ", you then said " make a poison to make me a girl again, I don't like this body!! ", Sasori " uh..... alright ".


Orochimaru " kabato, is there anything in the book that explains anything about this!!? ", Kabato " no Lord Orochimaru, nothing in the books explain this!! ". Orochimaru " what exactly happened? ", Sasuke then said " we were talking a nice relaxing stroll all three of us. When we were ambushed, when emo and (y/n) were injected with something. Be thankful there not dead ". Orochimaru " i'm thankful for that, but I now have two boys ". You then said " kabato does it make me gay, that I still like you ", kabato " Lord Orochimaru!!! ". You then said " sasuke can I borrow one of your shirt like thing, this shirt uncomfortable ", sasuke " sure ". You then said " thanks ", you then take off your bra and give it to kabato, you then said " here ". Kabato screeches and throws it aside.


Hidan " Your a boy now, good now I don't need to worry about you getting pregnant by some dipshit. Now I need to worry about you, getting some dumb bimbo pregnant ". Kakuzu " hidan! ", Hidan " what? " you then said " so exactly tell me, what's going to happen to me ". Hidan " i don't fucken know, but I like you better like this ", you then said " you're being kind, I'm going to my room, bye ". And you start to walk away from the idiot oh and kakuzu.


Kakuzu " so...... you're a boy now? ", You then said " uh, yeah ". You we're currently in your father's room, and were telling him what happened, while on a stroll with hidan. Kakuzu " uh...well little one, that's fine ", you then said " yeah, I guess ".


You then said " look dad now I look like you! ", Kisame " oh that's great, itachi explain to me what's going on here? ". Itachi " I'm not even certain what's going on ", you then said " hey since I'm a boy now, can you tell me the changes the male body go through ". Kisame " i don't think you'll be a bit for long, but sure ", and so him and itachi told you the changes of the male body.


Here stood you and your father looking at each other, trying to make sense of the situation. Kisame " so ' uchiha prodigy ' you know what to do now? ", Itachi " watch that mouth of yours ". You then said " so......... What's going to happen with me? ", Itachi " I'll inform leader-sama and ask Sasori to make something to reverse this ". You then said " cool, so can one of you explain how I can go to the bathroom? ", Itachi " not it! ", Kisame " Damn it! ".

Yo yo guys what's going on, sorry for the long waited update. But I had terrible author block for this story, and I'm not really active to the internet. And I always write offline, and Wattpad decide to be a bitch. And lock all of my chapters to this story, and even my drafts for this story. I had like about fourteen to sixteen unfinished drafts, but I'm going try to be more active with this story. And request are still open, alright I'mma dip oh and if you guys enjoyed this story, I also have an uchiha X reader daughter father senarios up, so feel free to read that, alright until next time my lovies.
~ pikatachi 🤗

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