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When they met you

Madara was in his room doing his own business when izuna comes in with a blanket in his arms, Madara " what do you want ", izuna " some women named (m/n) came by and told me to give you this ", he held out the blanket. Madara looks down at the blanket and See's a baby girl in there, Madara " that's a baby ", izuna " yes and she's your child ", Madara looks at her suprised, Madara " can I hold her ", izuna hands her to him. Madara looks down at her and sees her sleeping, and he smiles a little for how cute you looked, izuna " what are you going to name her ", Madara " (y/n) ", izuna " that's a pretty name ", Madara " yeah ".

Your first word

You were in the living room playing with your toys and hashirama was watching you while Madara was doing his paperwork, izuna  and tobirama were on the couch watching you, you then got bored and you wanted to get his attention but he didn't seem to see you. You then tried to say something to get his attention, hashirama noticed this, hashirama " Madara look ", Madara " not now I'm busy ", hashirama " but it's (y/n) come on just look, she's trying to say her first word ". Madara ignored him and hashirama kept bugging him so he looked at you,  Madara " what do you want ", you continue to try to say something until you said " hashirama ". Madara looks at you confused and then a dark aura forms around him, Madara " hash-ir-a-ma " hashiama gets scared of Madara, hashirama " i-it's n-not my fault Madara ",  tobirama" looks like your own daughter likes the senji clan better ", Madara " shut up I'll kill you "!, Izuna " now now let's all just calm down ", hashiama " izuna right let's all just calm down, Madara glares at him. Madara " I'm going to give you give seconds to run before I kill you ", hashirama " what Madara come on let's just talk about this", Madara " five ", hashirama " Madara calm down, Madara " four ", izuna " I think this is the part where you run ", Madara " three ", tobirama " elder brother you should run ", Madara " two ", hashiama " Madara calm down let's just and talk ", Madara " one ". Hashirama starts to run and Madara chases him, you were confused at this, tobirama " this is why I hate Uchihas " tobirama looks at you and smiles slightly, tobirama " but I guess I could make a exception for you ", you giggle at him izuna just smiles at this.

Your first steps

You were in the living room playing with some building blocks and hashirama was watching you while Madara was doing paperwork, hashirama " when do you think she'll start to walk ". Madara " I don't know why should I care ", hashirama " you can't fool me you really like (y/n), you just try to not show it, the other day I saw you smile at her ", Madara " that's a lie!, And what were you doing spying on me "!, They then started to argue and they started to get noisey. So you decided you wanted to get out of there, so you tried getting up but fell but you didn't give up and tried again, you successful got up and started to walk, hashirama stopped arguing and saw you, hashirama " Madara look " he points to you, Madara looks at you and sees you walking, Madara " (y/n) come here ", you turn around and see Madara on his knees and had his hands out, you smile and walks over to him, you finally make it to him and you hug him, Madara picks you up and you giggle Madara smiles, hashirama " told you ", Madara " shut up ", hashirama laughs.

They sing you a lullbay/song

You and Madara and izuna were in living room, Madara was doing paperwork while izuna was trying to put you to sleep, but you were being fussy and didn't want to go to sleep and you were getting on Madara nerves. Madara " izuna why is she crying ", izuna " she sleepy but doesn't want to go to sleep ", Madara " well keep trying she's distracting me from my work ", izuna " I've tried everything I could think of ", Madara gets angry and walks over to you and izuna. Madara " give me her ", izuna gives you to Madara, Madara starts to rock you back and forth while he starts to sing to you.

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