Depressed pt.1

443 12 1

short story | 8th member

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[ e d i t e d ]

[ a/n: some contents may be sensitive to the readers, read at your own risk.]


You were dealing with major depression, you've consulted a doctor last week and you were diagnosed with major depression, you don't know how to deal with it properly so you've been starting to have panic attacks when you're with your bestfriends during your out-of-the-country trips, and during fan meetings.

The members were always asking if you were okay and you said that you were completely fine. The fans are always wondering why are you sometimes sad during fan meetings, or why are you always quiet. One fanboy tweeted a picture of you during your recent fan meeting together with the other members. The caption was:

"I'm really worried for y/n. She's really not herself lately, usually she's all goofy and teasing the other members but today she's always getting pissed when members tease her, and she looks so tired all the time. Please send love to our maknae. Saranghae y/n! Fighting!"

You started crying after reading the caption. You started to feel sorry towards the members and fans because they don't have a clue that you've been suffering with major depression. They don't know that you've been fighting with your negativity all alone because of the incident that happened a month ago. You took a blade out and started cutting your wrist and palms with it. You don't stop until you can feel completely nothing. You were crying so bad, that can let the other members here you but you didn't care.

You were throwing your pillows across the room and even your books and picture frames with your photos. Then suddenly, you heard someone banging to your door.

"Y/n! Gwaenchanh-ayo?!" you heard Taehyung asking from outside of your room. You didn't answer and just stared at your door while crying, thinking of what happened a month ago and blaming yourself for it. You took the blade again and started to cut yourself again.

"Y/n!! We're going to destroy your door already!" Jungkook shouted from outside of your room, you didn't care and still cutting yourself endlessly.

The door opened and the members ran to you so fast, Namjoonie took the blade away from you and threw it outside of your window, Suga was hugging you so tight while your wounded hand was lying lifeless on the floor.

"Ya. Y/n-ah! Ya!! Y/n!!! Wake up!!" Suga was shouting at you but you looked so pale, you were so unconscious your gray lips were so dry, your tears are still on your cheeks.

"Let's take her to the hospital." Seokjin said and Suga carried you bridal style out of the dorm and into the van. Your head was lying at Jungkooks lap and your feet were lying at Jimins lap, Jungkook was brushing your hair carefully while holding your wrist gently, the other members were looking at you with worried eyes and hearts. Not knowing what you've been dealing with. The incident happened a month ago, and still, you can't forget that it happened.

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that is all for tonight's chapter!

Ms. I

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