Chapter 4: A Man's Pride

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A few days have passed, the people of Camelot seems to have recovered from the attack by the bewildered soldiers. The street seems to be buzzing with people as usual, as if the incident had never happened. It all has to do with the Arthur's ability to command his people and also his natural charisma. Everything about him seems to be perfect, he has got the looks, personality, fame (obviously he is the King of Camelot) and most of all he has someone extremely reliable by his side...

Well... compared to a small sized bartender who has this weird ability. Or should I say suddenly becoming a huge man during the day and a pea sized man at night. I am really a loser in everything compared to the charismatic king. Damn, why am I comparing myself to him, he is a gracious person compared to me who shouts at a woman he maybe have a crush on?? Why is this all happening to me, I am lost...

As Escanor ponders, the doorbell rang.

"W-welcome to My Sweet Gluttony. What can I get you?"

The man who came in was no other than the King of Camelot, Arthur.

"I would like the House Blend please, I am quite fond of that." Arthur smiled as he sat down in front of the counter. The awkward silence between the two were deafening. Until the King broke the silence with another awkward question.

"Something happened between you and Merlin? She seems moody for the past couple of the days, nothing I do seem to cheer her up. And if I may say, I am not pleased with that. For her to think of you that much or not, even I don't know what she is thinking all the time. But I know she is thinking of you, from her expression... I could tell... as she has the same face when you-"

Suddenly, the door barged open. It was none other than Merlin. However, she seem if flustered by Arthur's presence in the bar. She quickly grabbed the king out without even batting an eye on the little bartender.

As the two barged out the bar, Merlin teleported back to the castle.

"Well, that was fast. Don't you need to talk to him at all?"

"...Mind your own business Arthur, you have a lot more important things to do for your kingdom than going to a bar."

"Well that bar serve a pretty damn fine drinks I would say your excellency." Arthur smugs

"Why did you go there? What's your motive?"

Arthur stared at Merlin, as if studying her words and meaning.

"Well why do you care if I go there? I am free to do as I wish, and at that time I wanted a drink so... My Sweet Gluttony would do the trick. And I would also like to declare myself to him as a rival.

"...What rival?"

"You sure are dense, if only the others know what you are like this now...the calm and cool Merlin sure pains me."


"Your Majesty, urgent news. The neighbouring kingdom are requesting aid as sudden demons are attacking them. Please reply as soon as possible to this messenger Rick."

"What? The demons are still alive? Send the 1st Division knights to help immediately. We need to dispel them as soon as possible. I will command the troops so Merlin, can I count on you to look after things here?

"Of course, do not worry about Camelot just take care Arthur..."

The king just smiled and quickly went off with his knights.

As soon as Merlin see Arthur off, she could sense something within kingdom. The sinister presence is something she never felt before. As she used her magic to locate the source, it was unexpectedly very close to her.

"Is it a demon? No a demon won't be able to pass through the magic barrier I had placed surrounding Camelot. So it should be a stronger type of demon race. What could it be?

As she navigates her way to the location, to her surprise it was actually demons, lot of them. However, all of them were dead as she arrived. And there stood the hulking man, a sight she is very similar of. As she walked to him, Escanor turned around.

"Did you do all these?"

"M-merlin? I didn't expect you to be here. Umm..Y-yes I did the demons are planning to rampage the place, so I had no other choice. I-it was nothing really, they were all very weak. Nothing compared to the  great Escanor! Ha-hahaha" Escanor awkwardly laughs.

Merlin eyes went wide, as if in disbelief. And what came after would shock the hulking man.

She laughed. At his narcistic comments about himself.

Escanor felt his chest dropped. He had never seen the raven beauty laughed without controlling herself. This feeling, what can he describe it as? Well...could it be love?

"So, sorry for that I didn't expect you to say that given your current condition. Please don't take it the wrong way it was just a funny remark from you." as Merlin wipe the tears of her eyes.

Escanor couldn't believe what he had just witness, he was star-struck by Merlin's laugh. Everything she does seem to have an effect on him. He stood there motionless until Merlin gave him a pat which cause him to flinch.

"Well what are you waiting for? Let's go to check whether other demons are still around. I am unsettled at how they are coming in without me knowing." as she took his hand.

"S-sure of course I would help." Escanor voice squeak.

As the pair walk through the streets, many eyes were on them. Some were shock, some were happy and others were paying no mind. As the pair arrived infront of the church, Merlin stopped.

"Something is here. But it is not a being...something more sinister. We need to find out what is it."

 As she open the door, a trap was triggered. A huge pike spear came down from the ceilling aiming directly at Merlin. Escanor quickly grabbed her and shielded her from the spear. The spear came piercing through his abdomen causing him to grunt in pain, however he didn't let Merlin go. He hugged her so tight that she could barely breath.

"Escanor! let me go I am fine, let me see your wound! Why did you help me? You know I could easily deflect that trap. Are you stupid?!"

"That's my sin...right? Merlin..It is my overwhelming pride... Why did you barge out so suddenly that day, it bothers me."

/End of Chapter 4./

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