Chapter 7: I-scream

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..."Why? Just when I thought she and him are not in something I am so horrid of finding out. She just have to say it...This is too much for me to bear, am I lovesick? From all the one-sided affections I have for her. Wait...we did kiss right? She didn't refuse me, yet she said she enjoyed it. I am so confused and scared at the same time. Is liking someone so painful like this?"

It was still early morning, as I got up from sleeping . I did my morning routine and prepared breakfast for us. I was blushing thinking that we were acting like lovers living together. Bacon and eggs would do right? Hope she likes it.


I heard foosteps coming down. The raven beauty was still half- asleep rubbing her eyes tiredly. Something caught my eye...she was wearing my shirt!

"M-merlin, y-you are wearing...???" I stared at her.

She stared blankly at me and then look at her shirt.

"Oh you mean this? Sorry I don't have any spare cloths so I am borrowing one of yours for now." she replied nonchalantly.

I could feel my heartbeat rapidly increasing, she looks so cute wearing that. I thank god for blessing me today... :) 

"I-I prepared some breakfast if you want"


We ate silently as Merlin took out a book from nowhere and started reading it. For me, just eating in the same table with her is enough for me. After finished eating, she helped to clean the dishes easily with her magic.

"So you usually start business at night right? 

I nodded.

How can she act so casually as if nothing had happened last night? Was she drunk?

"Escanor? Something wrong? You look troubled..."

The dilemma I face right now is heart wrenching. I want to talk about last night but what she said...I just could't. I hated my coward self...I am a failure as a man. But what if I try my chances, just a moment, just a few words, just some courage..., maybe just some luck?

"Merlin....I !"

Suddenly, I felt weak...I could not speak. Just like that , all I could see was darkness as I collapsed.


When I woke up, I felt body is different somehow. I was taller now, my body is not small and thin but muscular. I am not too overwhelmingly tall, but just the height I always wanted..."normal". As I got up from bed, walking in front of a mirror thinking what might happened...Merlin walked in.

"Are you feeling better, you were asleep for 6 hours. Are you-alri-"

Merlin stood there, stunned as she stared at me. We both stared at each other awkwardly...and she quickly turns away while pointing at me.

"You are not wearing anything Escanor...put something on."

I blushed so hard covering my parts...but I noticed that her cheeks were red. Is she also blushing? This triggered something in me...I decided to do something she might hate. I want to tease her so bad... I put on some pants, hoping they would fit but I didn't put a shirt on. I wanted to tease her with my newfound muscles. xp

"Okay Merlin, you can face me now..." I said while smirking.

As she turned to face me, I was infront of her waiting for her eyes to open. As soon as her eyes open, I grabbed her waist and pulled her towards me. Pressing her body against mine, it was frightening but I was disgustingly happy at the same time.



She had no response. I look down to her as I had grown significantly taller, maybe I am at 6'4 now, I don't know. She just placed her face on my chest...not looking at me. My heart was beating...she could maybe hear it. But I could also feel her heartbeat, it was beating rapidly too. Suddenly, I felt the confidence to do something I had never even dream of...

"Merlin, look at me." As I saw her golden orbs peering at me... I could't hold myself anymore.

"I  love you. I know it is sudden but what happened last night...I really meant it. Can we go out? I promise you, I will try my best to make you happy..." I shyly heart is racing like crazy as if it is going to explode from the embarassment.

She didn't say anything for awhile and we just stood in the middle of the room in embrace. After what felt like forever, she finally spoke.

"...Alright...let's take of each other then.

And in that moment Escanor's spirit flew to heaven in bliss.

/End of Chapter 7/


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