Chapter 6: A brief moment

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"Why did I ran? Why am I so afraid of? I should be congratulating them not fleeing like a coward."

As I slump under the bar's counter, conflicting with anger and regret for the actions that I took. I look pathetic especially in this tiny form. After multiple sighs, I got up and started to clean the bar. The longer I clean, the less I wanted to run away. After cleaning the bar, I remembered the journey I been through to save up enough gold to purchase this shop.

"After all the shit I been through, I wanted to leave this shop? What am I even thinking?"

I quickly set all the tables, and flip the sign open. I waited at the counter as customers slowly starts to come in. As night continues, the busier I got serving multiple groups of people.

"Hey bartender, you should hire some waitress here! We need some eye-candy you know? Not a sausage-fest...*burp*" one drunk customers shouts.

After midnight, finally the customers left. I cleaned up the bar and head upstair to sleep. That customers remark left an impression on me. He was right, I can't manage the bar alone. I need a helper, someone...maybe a female. Hopefully tomorrow I can find some cute girls to work at my bar, which also can boost my bar's popularity. The customer's will be happy and more profits are coming! Like killing two birds with one stone...

Next day 9.00 am

I put up some flyers around town, while passing on to some of the street vendors. After all that, I went back and waited for someone to come.

"Please be a cute one or maybe a sexy one?? Curvy is best right for this job? I should have wrote that down on the job requirement, damn..." I slouch onto the chair in defeat...before even hiring someone.

"Ding-ding!" the doorbell rang.

I quickly got up and went to greet the incoming guest, hoping a beautiful woman would appear for the job...and well it was. Too beautiful for me...

"M-m-merlin??? Wh-at are you doing here?" I stuttered embarassingly.

"Hmm? I thought you were hiring someone? I thought to come for an interview is that alright? she smirk at me.

"B-but what about your j-job?"

Merlin walk towards the counter while sitting down on one of the chairs. Exposing her outer thighs as she crossed her legs. My nose almost bled seeing that. As her gaze fell onto me, her lips turned into a smile while giving her usual calm yet mature laugh.

"I quit already, most of all I am not officially hired as an advisor. More like I just felt like doing it...there are plenty of advisors in this kingdom now. Arthur can handle himself, he is not a boy anymore..." she softly speaks as if she was deeply conflicted about her decision.

I studied her expression, she seem sad yet determined about her decision. I thought about rejecting her but I don't know... should she even be a waitress??

"Ummm..Merlin I am greatly indebted to you as you have help me countless of times while also saving the life of someone like me... but are you sure becoming a waitress for a bar is what you really want? Of course I want someone as reliable as you but I don't want you to do something you are uncomfortable of."

Merlin just simply stared at me... while giving a slight chuckle. 

"Well being a waitress is something I am not quite fond of...but I do have a suggestion..." she winked at me.

"SURE!" I agreed without even thinking.

Night 10 pm

I was naive and stupid for falling into Merlin's charm again.

One wish for youOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora