DAY 1: As couples!

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Well...I will be honest with you guys... I don't even know what to do as couples. I didn't in my wildest dreams thought that Merlin would accept me, I am sure I will always look at her from afar while burying my emotions deep in my heart... Enough of that! She accepted me, means she likes me and I will try my best to make her happy.

"Good morning..." 

I turned around as Merlin lazily walked down the stairs half awake.

I took a deep breath, while greeting her back, flashing a smile.

She gave a small smirk as she went and brew some coffee.

"You want some?" She waved at me while gesturing at the boiling pot.

"Yes, please!"

I swear she laughed at my response but I am too embarassed to ask her. Merlin gave me a cup as she slides into a chair while reading a book as usual. We drank coffee in silence as she quietly analyses the book while I analyses everything she a creep.

Is this how couples work? I am not sure? Am I doing alright for her? Damn...the nervousness is killing me inside, I need to do something!

"Merlin...I am going out to buy some supplies, want to come with me?" I tried asking while looking the coolest I could be.

Merlin was still reading as she slowly looked up at me. Our eyes met, her eyes were so beautiful...I could stare at them all day. I quickly look away, hoping she doesn't catch me staring like a creep.

"Sure, Let's go. To the town's market right?" she quickly used her magic to dress up.

At the market.

The market is as lively as usual, people were bustling around the famous market in Camelot. We took our time browsing each store while buying some supplies useful for the bar. As we walked, some people were staring at us...are we attracting attention for no reason? I know Merlin is one of the important figures in this kingdom but I thought everybody knows...

"Mister...can I know your name please? You are so handsome!!" several random women suddenly came shouting.

I look behind me, wondering what all the fuss is about. As I turned, I saw them running towards me...they were all grabbing my arm as if we all knew each other.

"My... What a handsome man you are... are you new here? Are you a traveller? Or an important person as Merlin-sama is here with you!"

They were bombarding me with questions and I have no time to react to them. I turned to look at Merlin and I saw something special. She doesn't seem happy at all as if she was jealous at the women throwing themselves at me. I chuckled at her reaction as I removed myself from the horde of random women.

"Please excuse me ladies, I have someone important to me already. And to answer some of your questions I am not new here, I own a bar here and I am simply doing my daily supplies for my shop. Hope you all have a good day. Farewell" I said while acting as cool as possible.

After that, I grabbed Merlin's hand as we walked away. Her hands felt so warm as we walked in silence..

"Looks like your sudden transformation have some advantageous eh?" 

"Huh? Oh you mean just now? No please...they thought I was someone else, if they knew who I really am...they wouldn't even greet me. are the only one I care else matters to me as much as you do." 

I pulled her closer to me as I hugged her. I could feel her arms around me...I simply smiled...

Maybe this is how couples work....right?

/End of chapter./

Hey guys this seems short but I will try to do chapter 7 a bit longer. As always thank you for taking the time reading this! 


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