Chapter 10:

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"Your majesty...don't you remember me?"

"I am sorry...I do not."

"Why...?" the disgruntled princess sobbed.

This is not the time to be playing Talia! These people are important  guest, please do not cause a scene here! You can talk to the king later, for now go back to your studies!The king pleaded with his only daughter.

The princess face turned red and quickly barged out the main hall causing her servants to followed her hastily behind.

The whole squadron was silent but dumbfounded by what transpired in front of them, some female knights who was King Arthur's loyal fans were clearly angry with the princess trying to be coy with Arthur. However, in the king's mind...he was clearly more concerned on one person's thoughts...and that was Merlin.

The raven beauty however remain emotionless, calm and cool. Her poker face seems to show no signs of emotion, with the scroll in her hands she calmly spoke it's contents.

" Dear people of Glade, I Arthur Pendragon of Camelot hereby accept the alliance between the two kingdoms of Camelot and Glade. We hereby declare our alliance by delivering our finest weapons and ammunition as a token for our alliance. We humbly want to express our gratitude to King Drake for offering this alliance."

Most of the King Drake's advisors and ministers were clapping and cheering in delight. The king however remained silent, his eyes glued to Merlin and Escanor as if he was observing them intently.

"King Arthur, let me humbly accept your kind gesture for my kingdom, however can we speak in private please. Only the two of us please." as Drake ushered Arthur into his private chambers. Arthur halted his troops from following him.

The small blond man was behind the troops, he was confused by Drake's reaction. This was a good strategy for Glade to be in good relations with Camelot as it strengthens its military might. But the King's reaction was the opposite, instead it was as if in confusion. He caught Merlin's gaze, both seem to understand each other as the situation was quite odd and not normal. Merlin quickly teleported to Escanor side and asked him to followed her.

With the pair quietly tailing Arthur and Drake, following the wide pathways of the palace, decorated with pure white marbles. Standing between the two large statues of the king was Arthur. His face was pale and confused , as if in a dazed. Merlin quickly noticed that he was in a illusion and dispelled it. 

"...Wha-t is going on??  I was walking with King Drake and all of the sudden I blacked out."

"Guys you might want to see this... " Escanor spoke in horror.

The three of them walked to the side of the giant statue and saw Drake laying in a pool of blood with a stab wound on his stomach. 

"Quickly someone call the royal doctor here now!"

Suddenly the generals of Glade appeared and the situation turns ugly real fast.

"Whats going on here! Who did this to his majesty!!"

"It must be the King of Camelot! Arrest King Arthur!!"

End of Chapter 10.

//So long for this story to update been busy and not sure what to write...sorry guys who are still reading this...Pls suggest any ideas for this fanfic if you have any.  Stay safe and all the best//

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