Chapter 13: Your Love

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Have you ever imagined what makes you the most vulnerable and scared in some ways that would haunt you? Well, for me it's something that I could not have even imagined .

"Escanor, you died during the war..."

Her words stung , my heart sank when she said that.

My mind went blank, I could not think of anything. I was part of the famous 'Seven Deadly Sins' which legends was that they helped ended the Great Holy war and put an end to the infamous Demon King. I was the member who didn't survive the aftermath of the war. I was the Sin of Pride, Escanor...that's me.

Anyway, what's done is already done. You can't change the past...or can we?

"M-erlin, I..."

"So, your memories have returned, I assume you already have a sense of who you are?"

"Yeah? I remembered who I am now, clearly. But how am I still alive?"

Merlin placed her hand on my face, I feel somewhat nostalgic...something familiar 

Suddenly, I saw all the 'Seven Deadly Sin' members, it was Meliodas, King, Ban, Diane, Gowther and Merlin. All of them were crying, as if something bad had happened. I tried to call out to them, but they seemed to not hear me. 

"This must be one of Merlin's magic. Could this be the past?"

Merlin walked away, she seemed stoic as usual. However, there were slight tears in her eyes or maybe I was imagining it. Meliodas walked towards her.

"Are you okay? Don't hide your true feelings Merlin, share with us..."

"I... am feeling sad, and I am not sure why..."

"Merlin... all of us are feeling the same, now is the time we really need each other. Don't cry alone, we are all here for you."


Meliodas went and gave her a hug and Merlin broke down in tears. For the first time, she let her emotions get the better of her. Soon, all the members of the Deadly Sins joined them in consoling Merlin.

"I might have loved him, although I am not capable of feeling that kind of emotion...why? He could be the only man who truly loved me."

"...He always felt that way about you Merlin. Nothing would changed that"


"Merlin...what are you going to do for now on?"

"... I am going to support Arthur and the Kingdom of Camelot from now on... or I could also..."

"? What was that?"

"O-h nothing,  I was just thinking about something..."

Meliodas was concerned about Merlin, she always keep her emotions in check however, she looked very distraught about something.

"Please let us know if you need us alright? We are always here for you Merlin."

Merlin gave a slight smile as she teleported away, to an unknown forest. In the middle of the vast stands a small hut. As she went in, Meliodas was already there somehow. He stared at her as if studying Merlin,

"Are you really going to do this?"

"...I don't see another alternative."

"You know...the end result of all of this right...?"

Merlin looked at him, as if to tell him to shut it.

"Meliodas, you are my dear friend, but you don't need to advise me on everything."

Merlin stood in the middle of an enchanted circle. She began chanting a spell. 

"Escanor, I still need you..."


As soon as Merlin said those words, we flashed backed into the present. We were still in front of 'My Sweet Gluttony' my own bar, as if time stood still.

"Merlin... what was that?"

"...I reincarnated you back to life."

//END of Chapter 13//

//Happy New Year! //

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