Tweedle Dumb and Tweedle Dumber

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Talon and Taylor picked me up from school that day because Tiffany said someone else was picking her up, which hasn't happen since her boyfriend Ian.

Ian and Tiffany aren't dating anymore so I was wondering what was up with that. I knew I would get it out of her. One way or another, even if that means hurting her. Not like when those girls spread rumours but I mean like physically, like putting her into a headlock and choking her until she tells me. I'm not into that girl crap mumbo jumbo. I was in their old pickup truck, sandwiched between my older brothers.

"Okay, what's up with you. You haven't spoken in two minutes, that's got to be a record, right Talon?" Taylor asked.

"Yeah, I think she might be dead, you should tickle her just in case", Talon replied mischievously.

My eyes snapped open and I bolted upright. I hated being tickled. Only my brothers knew that, well with the exception of Tiffany and Keith. "Okay, okay".

They both smirked, those boys are going to be the death of me. Since I'm the only girl in the family now- no. I can't think about that now right now or ever. My mom was gone. I won't admit it but these boys helped me through so much. They never really mourned properly because they were always there comforting me, I took the news way worse than the boys.

Talon snapped his fingers in front of my face because Taylor was driving and he couldn't take his hands off the wheel. I snapped out of my daze and smiled weakly. "Have you met our neighbours?" I said, trying to get them to avoid it.

"Hey, hey, hey don't you dare try to change the subject Becky-boo", he said, using my childhood nickname they gave me.

I groaned. I would have to tell them about how I was thinking about the big three, my worries about Tiffany and mom. Leaving Mom for last, just in case they would believe that's it, but I knew they wouldn't. A girl can hope though.

I sighed, running a hand through my hair. "Our neighbour is best friends with James London and Will Feign. They um were with Bobby last night and they saw me in my boy-shorts and I ran into him in the hall and ended up telling him about me fighting. Plus Tiffany didn't need a ride today and she always needs a ride unless she's with a guy and I have to make sure he's a good suited for my bestfriend", okay I'm done the easier part. I lowered my voice to a whisper and said, "And I've just been thinking about mom".

Taylor pulled over and Talon looked over to me with worried eyes. They both tackled me into a hug and I tried my hardest to keep my tears in my eyes. I knew that now I would try to speak and once I did I couldn't stop. "I.. I just can't believe she's gone and that she would leave us to face this all on our own. She left dad and, god... Was I really not worth her staying here and fighting for? Being brave for? I mean we all had to brave this world without her... We still have to".

I let a few tears escape and then rubbed at them vigorously. I felt the boys crying to. I mean she was their mother too. I finally stopped crying and only a few tears slid down my face. Talon and Taylor knew better than comforting words, they would always make me feel worse. Their presence was enough to help me through it. It always was. They were the only ones who understand.

I always felt bad about them consoling me and me never consoling them, but they were my big brothers and I was their baby sister. Taylor finally pulled out and we headed to our four bedroom house. I sounds big. It's not, the rooms are tiny and Talon and Taylor have to share because they have the biggest room. Talon got out of the pickup truck. It wasn't that I couldn't drive but we only had three vehicles. I share one with Bobby and it's very annoying because I couldn't drive home alone today because he had baseball practice. It's not that I can't play baseball it's that I hate it, even though I'm good at it.

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