Dont stop the party (Part 2)

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Does anyone ever just look at something so revolting that they just want to barf and then turn around so fast that you'll vomit again. Yeah, that's what this party felt like to me. I've never liked parties per say I mean I liked a party with like 20-30 people but this was like in the hundreds and I was semi-freaking out.

Plus I lost Bobby the first minute that I got there. What a perfect brother I have there. Eh, I got two others so one not turning out was kind of bound to happen sometime. Even though Talon and Taylor have quite a few loose screws as well.

I sighed and pulled my dress down awkwardly feeling uncomfortable with the grinding and the alcohol that had tainted everyone's breath and it was barely eleven. I cringed when Tiffany walked up to me and hugged me drunkenly. "Hey becs," she slurred.

I sighed and picked her up and then found a bed that wasn't... Occupied. Yeah, that was just plain on gross I mean have some common curtsy for the people that are living here. Well I suppose it was actually there fault for throwing a party at there house. I quietly pulled the charcoal grey duvet and the black sheets back and I nestled Tiffany into the covers.

I covered her with the blankets and she murmured something incoherent and then grabbed the blankets and snuggled into them still muttering to herself about something that I couldn't even understand from her drunken state. I then realized that Will was the one who brought her here and got her drunk. Oh he was dead.

I softly closed the door of the bedroom and marched down the stairs looking for Will. I had asked several people by the time I got down the stairs and I finally spotted him with some other people around him and he was playing beer-pong.

I snarled at him and he could feel my hard glare on the back of his head as he turned around and faces me with a fear-stricken expression on his face. I knew that he wasn't completely drunk so he did have some common sense but at least he didn't run because that would not have ended well for him.

I marched up to him emanating more strength and rage with every single step. Tiffany had a hard time at home and something could have happened to her! He could have let something happens to her and she could have done something that she would have regretted and he still took her to this party and didn't fucking look after her!

How could he.

I finally stood in front of him and I did the first thing that came to my mind. So I slapped him.

You see I tried not to resort to physical violence and I didn't quite remember how my hand had went up to his cheek but suddenly it was there. Not my fault, totally not my fault.

"You let Tiffany out of your sight and she was drunk out of her mind. What would have happened if she decided to drive home because she was tired, Huh?" I asked in a menacing voice.

He cowered into the corner of the room. "Hey you bastard just because I'm a girl doesn't mean that I and fight. Don't be a coward," I said tauntingly.

You see Tiffany had a really troubling past and I couldn't get her getting hurt again and I had to make sure that this guy could take after her. So far he wasn't doing a too exceptional job there.

"What's going on here?" I heard Chase's voice boom through the room.

I didn't even turn to him but continued glaring at Will. "He let Tiffany on her own at a party for almost two hours. She could have been hurt," I said protectively.

Tiffany was my sister and I couldn't let anything happen to her, well she wasn't technically my sister but she was the closest thing that I had to one.

Chase picked me up and threw me over his shoulder while I pounded on his back and shouted at him when James yelled at everyone to continue the party and went to help Will. I felt a tiny bit sorry but Tiffany had a past with alcohol and I couldn't let that happen again.

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