Date Fails (Part Trois)

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Becca's POV

All I could think of doing was kick because her slimy lips were on mine, most obviously spreading unwanted lipstick across my own. So it all made sense now why she didn't want me with Chase but I'm sorry girl I've never been in the closet so I can't come out of it.

I kicked her very hard and pulled away. "Jesus Christ don't touch me again!" I yelled.

She looked at me with confusion and then realization spread across Naomi's face and she looked horror stricken at what she had done. Chase looked at me in pure amusement, because my face was probably the funniest thing that he has ever saw.

Which probably wasn't wrong. I mean a girl who hated me since 7th grade just kissed me so I was kind of freaking out. Meanwhile Naomi ran as fast as she could out of the diner and I heard a car roaring to life, then a blue mustang turning and excelling out of the parking lot. Different honks resounded through the night and I was still standing there, glued to my position.

Chase was literally on the floor and laughing so hard and his whole body was shaking. "Oh that was priceless!" He yelled.

Wesley was looking at me with confusion and then he looked to Chase and frowned.

"Brother it's not funny to laugh at people," Wesley Scolded.

I high fived him and then grabbed Chase's ankle and then pulled him out of the diner while he shouted profanities at me and said goodbye to Wesley and his mom when I finally pulled him put he got up and then grabbed me, throwing me over his shoulder.

I screamed and then pounded on his back because he was being such a douche.

He laughed and threw me into the worn out leather seat of his car then closed the door and got into the drivers side. I laughed and then turned and pivoted myself so that I was straddling him. I hadn't kissed him for almost six days and I felt myself craving him. I pressed my lips to his and my eyelids fluttered close and so did his.

I pushed myself more against him and he licked my lip, asking for entrance to which I denied and he groaned and squeezed my ass which caused me to gasp and him to stick his tongue into my mouth.

He entangled our tongues and we fought over control to which he won, which I was okay with at the time. I grabbed at his hair and then pulled him even closer to me, which was barely possible.

"Mommy! Why is that girl eating that boys face?" I heard a shrill voice ask outside the window.

I broke the kiss immediately and looked over in horror at the the little girl and her mom and the girl was pointing at us and the mom was looking at us in disgust. She quickly covered the little girls eyes and turned her away, giving us the finger.

I blushed so much my face was tomato red and I buried my face into Chase's chest. I heard the rumbling through his chest and I smacked him across the head, "The poor little girl is going to be scared for life!"

He just kept laughed and I knew that there was only one other way to get him to shut the hell up. That was to kiss him, so I did. I kissed him like he was my sun and I was sunflower. I kissed like he water in the desert. I kissed him like I loved him. And he kissed me back.

I quietly pulled apart and gave him a five second peck before getting off of his lap while he groaned and protested. Ha, this time I was laughing. He sighed and started the ignition to the truck and pulled out of the parking lot then speeded down the high way. I leaned my head against the cold glass and watched as different coloured lights danced by.

Finally we pulled up to an empty field and I looked at him in confusion.

"You know if you wanted to murder me you shouldn't have became my boyfriend first, it's the authorities first suspect," I stated.

He looked over to me and raised an eyebrow, a thing which I could barely do and he just did it naturally. That wasn't real fair of him.

He grabbed me and pulled me out of the truck then threw me in the back. I was waiting for the hard impact but it never came. Pillows and blankets were surrounding me and engulfed me. I laughed hysterically.

He smiled and jumped in next to me, pulling me close to him. He started pointing out constellations to me.

"And that's the Ryan's Belt and that's-"

"How long did it take you to memorize this?" I asked.

He looked at me sheepishly, "Four hours."

I smiled and kissed his nose. "Thank you," I spoke softly.

"It just you and me right now Princess. You and me against the world," he said against my ear.

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