Chasey Wasey

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Chases POV
I went to find Will and James. Well, mostly Will. James didn't really care for anything except for us and any female that had a pulse. But of course not young children or old ladies, that would be just nasty.
I drove my Mercedes Benz into Will's driveway and parked it. James red Jeep Cherokee was beside mine and I jumped out of the car. I maneuvered my way around the few cars lining the driveway and walked into Wills house. "WHATS UP BITCHES!" I yelled when I entered the house.
I rounded the hallway to the kitchen and I saw Will's mother standing there with a glare on her face. "Oh shit", I said then cringed, "Sorry momma F".
She dropped her fake glare and came around the island to give me a hug. "Goodness, I haven't seen you in forever Chase. You've grown up!" She yelled.
I laughed and kissed her on the cheek. "I've grown in two months?" I asked.
She nodded and then pinched my cheek. "Yes you have Chasey Wasey", Momma F spoke.
I groaned, "Momma F".
I drug out the word f. She laughed and went back to making her spaghetti sauce. I laughed when I thought of what happened last night at Becca's house. Will and James bounded down the stairs and grabbed my hand. "We are going out tonight Momma F" Will spoke, "We will be back before twelve".
She nodded, "Alright dears, you know the rules".
She looked at us pointedly and we all recited the rules of going out late to her. "Don't get a girl pregnant, use protection, if you get drunk don't complain, no drinking while driving, no drugs or you will turn us into soup", we recited together.
She nodded and then looked at us with tears in her eyes, "My little boys are growing up".
Will rounded the counter and hugged his mom. "Mom it's fine. We'll be back home soon. Love you", he said and started walking towards the door.
"Bye Momma F," me and James shouted before the door closed.
Will looked at us in amusement. We both shrugged and snickered. All of us went to my Mercedes Benz and hoped in. Since it was a convertible I rolled the roof down and blasted bad medicine with us all singing along. We laughed and James got up and stood on the seats, shaking his ass in the air. Me and Will were in hysterics. He finally plopped down when there was a low sign right above his head and he just nicked it. "You are crazy!" Will exclaimed.
James grinned, "I know."
I laughed and then took the guys to our spot. It's a beach James mom owns. James is rich. Like really rich. Like apple products inventor rich. We all just went to the forest near there and went into the treehouse. But a tree house couldn't even explain it. It was a house in a tree. It had three bedrooms, a kitchen, two bathrooms with plumbing, a living room and a dining room. We would all stay there every Saturday, it was part of our ritual. I plopped down my bag in my room and the guys did the same in theirs. Will was texting still. "Dude seriously are you that fucking whipped?" I said exasperated.
Will snorted, "Look who's talking."
I narrowed my eyes, "What's that suppose to mean?"
"Please," James scoffed, "Becca's got you wrapped around her finger."
I tackled him to the ground. We wrestled for a bit and of course I won. We all had our things. Will had football, James had hockey and I had wrestling. Well, and music, but I haven't played since my mom left. James huffed in defeat as I smirked over his body. Then I got up and started to run to the door, "Race you to the tree!"
I bursted through the door and ran until we found the tree that was tangled in too many ways possible. I started climbing and Will and James were close behind me. When I went as high as I could go I looked at the water from here. "I beat you bitches!" I yelled.
"Fuck you!" James screamed back.
"Didn't know you rolled that way man!" I shouted back.
He rolled his eyes and then fingered me. Will started snickering and we all just stood like that for a minute before Will broke the silence. "I love her, Tiffany I mean," he explained.
James looked over at Will with a crazed look in his eyes, "Love?! Dude. We don't do love."
Me and Will scoffed, "No. YOU don't do love."
James rolled his eyes and slapped Will on the back. "Well at least you landed a girl."
Will scoffed. We both climbed back down the tree with James pouting like a little kid. "Everyone has someone! Will has Tiffany, Chase has Becca, Even Evan the schools nerd has a freaking nerdy ass girlfriend! I'm going to die alooooooone!" James shouted.
The birds scattered from the trees that were resting above us like canopies. Few streams of daylight passed through, just letting us know it was still present. We walked back to the cabin and we decided to do a horror movie marathon. That's when things started to go downhill.
We were on our 5th movie and it was the scariest one there of course. We were all on the edges of our seats but would not even go near one another. Finally the movie was about thirty minutes to finish when we heard footsteps from upstairs. All of our heads snapped towards the staircase and the footsteps continued to go down. We all visibly gulped and James grabbed a baseball in his shaky hands. Will and I copied and the intruder finally showed its face. "Jesus guys it's just us!" Becca shouted when a bat was chucked at her head, which she skillfully avoided.
Tiffany shrieked and started yelling profanities at us. Will ran to her and hugged her telling her he was sorry because he was the one who threw his bat. I was laughing my head off and Becca stalked over to me and James. She pinched both of our ears and dragged us by our ears to my bedroom.
"I NEED HELP!" Becca screamed at us.
"Why?" James asked.
"My brothers are trying to kill me because I found out something I wasn't suppose to and ahhhh!" She screeched.
Tiffany nodded fiercely and she then hide behind Will. Becca looked upset and then angry and then sad and before I knew it she was on the floor, rocking back and forth with tears in her eyes.


My Crazy Neighbour [DISCONTINUED]Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon