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Chase's POV

I was a complete jackass.

I know that I shouldn't have yelled at her but Will had been yelled at by so many girls and was played by so many girls because he was a sweet guy. And so many people took advantage of that.

But I shouldn't have yelled at her. I mean once she explained why she was going what she did I was shell shocked and I couldn't move as she stormed past me. After I while I had torn the house apart looking for her but I didn't look at the bedrooms so when she called me I almost sprinted up the stairs with me dragging Will along.

I couldn't believe what happened to Tiffany and after she passed out Becca did lot long after she fell on the bed. She looked deep in thought so I didn't disturb her because I knew that she need to think right now. I sighed once she fell asleep and I grabbed her and varied her bridal style like Will did with Tiffany and we walked down the windy hallway until we reached the steep hardwood stairs. I slowly went down them knowing that if I fell that Becca would get hurt. And I absolutely couldn't have that.

I mean, pshhh. Nothing. Nothing at all I wouldn't care if she fell down the stairs and cracked her head open. Psshhh.

I finally entered and the party was still in full swing so I pushed through people and I finally just yelled at everyone to get the fuck out of my way. It wasn't really my fault though. They were in the way and I was really tired so I did have a right to a certain extent to do as I did.

I walked around the fountain that was blocking the path to my car and I put Becca in the backseat and Will did the same to Tiffany. We bid our farewells and I drove through the street until we got home. I parked in my driveway fifteen minutes later and I looked to see that Becca was up in her seat and she was wide awake.

"I forgive you," she whispered.

God I don't deserve having her as a friend. Ugh I don't like that word. I felt of her as so much more but I didn't deserve her. She was so amazing, so beautiful and she deserved so much more then a guy who couldn't contain his anger. I don't deserve her. But she doesn't seem to think that.

Which was odd. She was so perfectly imperfect. From the way she bit her lip when she was concentrating to the way her eyebrows wrinkled when she was confused or the way she would get so protective and defence over anything.

"Chase? Did you even hear what I just said?" Her voice snapped me out of it.

"Yeah Princess," I said and turned to her, "Thank you."

She looked at me and it looked like she was about to say something to me but her jaw snapped closed and she clenched it. She quickly undid her seatbelt and she looked at me.

"I forgot about Bobby," she explained in a rush.

"Becca, he's a big boy. Just get Talon to call him," I coaxed when she started pacing the driveway.

She turned to me and she breathed deep breaths and her eyes semi calmed down and then she hugged me real quick. I wanted to hold her for longer but I knew that I would have been selfish to do that.

"Wanna come and eat icecream and watch Netflix?" I asked.

She looked at me and her best British accent she took my hand that I was holding out, "I'd thought you'd never ask."


We were watching season 7 of supernatural and she was freaking out about this girl named Charlie Bradburry?

She's one of a kind.

I laughed and I snuggled into her because I could. And she didn't seem to mind so I didn't even bother stopping because I needed this. I put my head on her chest and I felt felt her heart pick up. Smiling I started drawing patterns on her collarbone and I laughed when I stopped and she pouted. Quietly grabbing one of her feet I started massaging and I swear I saw her eyes roll to the back of her head.

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