What about the beach

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(Becca's pov)

It was Saturday today. Me and Keith usually hung out today but he had football practice and I can't make it the big leagues being a girl in football so I'm in soccer. Tiffany was coming over though. I still can't believe Will and her are dating and that she's kept it up for four months, Tiffany can never keep a secret.

I was in my room staring at the ceiling and blasting You Me at Six. My phone rang, which it never does because the only person that calls me was my dad.


"Becca? It's Tiff".

"What's up?"

"I'm going to be late coming, traffic is a bitch".

"Kay, see you in thirty?"

"Yep", she said and popped the 'p'.

I sighed and plopped back down on my bed. I changed the band to mayday parade. I heard a tap on my window and I instantly smiled, I faked being asleep last night. He kissed my forehead. Does that mean he likes me? Does that mean I like him? This is all so confusing.

I walked to the window and pulled it up. Only to be tackled to the ground by Chase. He was on top of me and he was just lying on me. "Chase.. Get off me. You weigh a ton", I yelled.

"I'm not gonna get off you until you agree to go to the beach with us", he said and snuggled into me. I mean it would be cute if he wasn't crushing my bones.

"Us?" I said as I struggled under his weight.

"Me, James and Will", he replied.

I thought about it for a minute and realized that Tiffany would be here soon. "Can Tiffany come, she's on her way here, we were going to the mall", I said contemplating.

"Of course. Get her a swimsuit and meet at my house in an hour", he said getting up and jumping into his bedroom where Will and James were standing. They were both smirking and I stuck my tongue out at them before speaking to Will. "Hey Will? If I were you I would wipe that smirk off your face before Tiffany finds out embarrassing stuff about you", I taunted.

"You don't know any real embarrassing stuff about me", Will protested.

"No I don't", I said and paused, "But I do have a very creative imagination, wouldn't want some gossip to get to your girlfriend now would you?"

And with that I left a shocked Will, proud James and an amused Chase by closing the window and shutting the curtains. I searched my room for my teal coloured bandeau style bikini and a teal cover up. I put on a blue colour flip flop, grabbed two towels just when I heard the doorbell ring. All the boys were out today so I hurried down the stairs and answered the door. She sighed, "We're not going to the mall today, are we?"

"Nope", I said and threw her a pale purple bikini while shoving her into the bathroom. I grabbed my white shades and put them over my hair, that was in a messy bun.

Tiffany walked over looking as gorgeous as ever. I tossed her a purple towel, we wanted to be matching. I guided her to the front door and locked it behind her. She started to make her way to my car but I started walking towards Chases house. She quirked an eyebrow but I just grabbed her arm and pulled her up the driveway. I then knocked on the door and Skai answered. "Becca's here!", Skai called over her shoulder and pulled me into a hug.

"Skai, this is Tiffany. Tiffany, Skai"", I introduced. She pulled Tiffany into a hug and thankfully I gave Tiffany a coverup because it would have been really awkward if not.

I saw James make his way towards us. I hugged him and so did Tiffany. I heard guys voices and footsteps coming down the stairs. It was almost summer season but today it was particularly hot. Will made his way down the stairs and his eyes widened when he saw Tiffany. She looked to me with pleading eyes and I shoved towards Will who picked her up and started kissing her. That was when I saw Chase. Mother effer, he was shirtless and his hair was wet, he probably just took a shower, so his chest was wet. I averted my eyes and focused on James because let's just face it, red heads were not my type. Most people loved red heads, no offence but they just weren't my type. "Will, if you could stop eating Tiffany's face we should probably get going", I said.

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