Chapter 15: тσgєтнєя, ѕσятα!

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Together, Sorta!

****Next Morning****

****Bellas P.O.V****

I was laying on my bed, thinking. There are three things I am positive about. '1. Edward and the Cullen's are vampires. 2. There is a part of him I don't know how bad, but it thirsted for our blood.' There was a car honk, I got up and went to the window. '3. I was unconditionally and irrevocably in love with Carlisle.' I thought. I sighed and went to get dressed. When I got to the car, I noticed that Kirsten was in the front seat. Damn her. I sat in the back, again.

When we arrived at school, I got out of Edwards car and waited for him to be by my side. 'I really wish it was Carlisle that took me to school. So that I can make out with him in his car and show him off. You know I'm so glad that Edward can't read my mind because I can fantasize about having sex with Carlisle in his car, his bed, the woods, basically anywhere. I'll get Carlisle soon. All I have to do is be with Edward for some time, get him to 'marry me', go on the honeymoon, have sex with him, then get Edward to change me. That way I can get rid of Kirsten. And when I'm a vampire, I think I'll actually drink her dry instead. Yeah, I'll do that. I want to hear her scream, beg me to stop.' I thought to myself with a large grin.

"Why do I get the feeling that everyone is staring at us?" I said to Edward.

"Not everyone. There's one guy... nope he just looked. What the heck. I'm going to hell anyway." He draped his arm over my shoulder and we walked inside.

We talked all day then spent time together after school.

"So do you have to be dying to you know..."

"No, that's just Carlisle. He wouldn't do that to someone who had another choice." 'So if I was with Carlisle, he wouldn't change me. It's a good thing I'm with Edward.' I thought.

"When were you changed?" I asked.

"1918. Carlisle found me dying of Spanish Influenza, commonly called the flu today." I sat down on a large rock.

"What was it like?" Wanting to know so I can be prepared for when I'm changed.

"The venom was excruciating. But what Carlisle did was much harder, not much of us have the restraint to do what he did."

"So it was more than just a bite."

"Not exactly. When we taste human blood, a sort of frenzy begins and it's almost impossible to stop."

'Now I really can't wait to be a vampire. I can drink human blood whenever I want.' I thought. "But Carlisle did."

"First with me then his ex-wife Esme." Edward said.

'Wait, ex-wife. I wonder if I can get a hold of her and tell her that he's marrying Kirsten. She can help me with taking her down and when Kirstens died, I'll kill Esme.'

"I thought that Carlisle was with Kirsten. When did he divorce Esme?" I asked.

"No, he's still married to Esme. But when he sends the divorce papers to her, then he'll be sort of a single man with kids. Why?"

"Oh, no reason. Just wanted to know. Anyways, is he the real reason why you don't kill?" 'I hope he doesn't press on. I need to find out where Esme is.'

"No, that's not the only reason. My family, we think of ourselves as vegetarians. Cause we only survive on the blood of animals. It's like a human living only on tofu. It keeps us strong but never fully satisfied. It wouldn't be like drinking your blood for instance."

'Oh if animal blood does that, I'm so not drinking it. I'll go straight for human blood and I'll start with Kirsten.' "Was it other vampire who killed that security guard and Waylon?"

"Yes. There are others out there, sometimes we run into them."

"Can the others read minds like you can?"

"No, that's just special to me, but Alice can see the future and Jasper is sort of Empathic."

"I bet Alice saw me coming." 'I hope not.' I thought to myself.

"Her visions are subjective. The future always change."

'Yes. Now she won't see if I ask Esme. I just have to keep changing my mind. I just want Kirsten gone. And now Esme too.'

****Kirstens P.O.V****

I was at home waiting for Edward to return from hanging out with Bella and tell me what she's been thinking.

"Mama, what if Bella wants to be turned and when she is, she wants Esme's help in getting rid of you? If she does, I won't let anyone touch you. You're our mother and Carlisles true mate." Jasper said. I pulled him to me and hugged him.

"It's okay, nobody will take me from you guys. Plus I think we should tell the volturi when the time is right." Then everyone, excluding Edward, came and joined the hug even Carlisle.

Then we hear a car door slam shut. Edward walks in angrily. I got up and went to him.

"Eddie sweetie, what's wrong?"

"It's Bella. I can't stand her. You should have been there. Her thoughts are repulsive." He yelled in frustration.

"What are her thoughts baby." I asked as I guided him to the couch.

"She said and I quote, 'I really wish it was Carlisle that took me to school. So that I can make out with him in his car and show him off. You know I'm so glad that Edward can't read my mind because I can fantasize about having sex with Carlisle in his car, his bed, the woods, basically anywhere. I'll get Carlisle soon. All I have to do is be with Edward for some time, get him to 'marry me', go on the honeymoon, have sex with him, then get Edward to change me. That way I can get rid of Kirsten. And when I'm a vampire, I think I'll actually drink her dry instead. Yeah, I'll do that. I want to hear her scream, beg me to stop.' She had a large grin when she said that. But that's not all. 'So if I was with Carlisle, he wouldn't change me. It's a good thing I'm with Edward.' That was when I told her that Carlisle changed me. Then, 'Now I really can't wait to be a vampire. I can drink human blood whenever I want.' I told her that it's almost impossible to stop drinking from a human. And when I told her about Esme being Carlisles ex-wife, she thought, 'Wait, ex-wife. I wonder if I can get a hold of her and tell her that he's marrying Kirsten. She can help me with taking her down and when Kirstens died, I'll kill Esme.' It still goes on." He told us.

"I knew it!" Jasper yelled.

"Knew what, Jasper?" Edward asked him.

"We were just talking about it. Like what if Bella wants to be turned and when she is, she wants Esme's help in getting rid of her. I freakin' knew it." Jay said.

"Okay, but that's not all. She thought, 'Oh if animal blood does that, I'm so not drinking it. I'll go straight for human blood and I'll start with Kirsten.' And then when I told her that Alice can see the future but it's subjective, she thought 'Yes. Now she won't see if I ask Esme. I just have to keep changing my mind. I just want Kirsten gone. And now Esme too.' I honestly can't wait to get rid of Bella when the time comes." Edward said with a frustrated look.

"Can I be the one to kill her." Rosalie asked.

"No Rose, we said that Edward can. I know you like to have your revenge but not this time." I said to her.

She stomped upstairs with Emmett following.

"She'll come around. Don't worry, love." Carlisle said to me.

I sighed and went up to mine and his room.

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