Chapter 17

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Sunday evening was the next time somebody saw something. And that somebody was me.

I slipped out of the door to the doctor's office I was in and looked to my left, then to my right. I turned and started slowly walking down the hallway to my right. I turned the corner and found a big set of double doors. I looked behind me before pushing past them, stepping into a chilly room.

My eyes widened when I looked around.

Shelves lined the walls, with hundreds of jars filled with liquids and items in them. I slowly stepped closer and read the label on the closest jar to me.

#870 was all I could read, the rest of the ink smudged. I slowly turned the jar to see what looked like a piece of red meat floating around. I stepped back, my stomach twisted as I heard a noise. I waited a second, grabbing the handle of the door and listened. It came again, this time clear as day. The cries of a girl filtered through the walls. She sobbed, her words mixing together, making it sound like gibberish. I flung open the door and stepped out, turning to my right, the direction that I had come from. Right as I started to walk back, a man in a white coat turned the corner and spotted me.

"What are you doing back here?" he demanded and I froze.

"I just got lost, I'm sorry." I replied and he looked me up and down.

"Follow me." he said and I nodded, following him until we made it to the entrance doors of the medical wing. When we stepped out, he flagged down a guard.

"Take her to her room, make sure she doesn't leave for the night." He said and the guard nodded. He took me back to my room and told me to stay. When I got back, Ace jumped up, noticing my panicky face.

"What happened?" he asked and I nodded to the door.

"Get the others, I can't leave for the night." I said and he nodded, glancing at me one last time before quickly making his way out of the room.

I sat down on my bed, waiting for everyone to get here, trying to calm myself down.

When everyone got here and I explained, they were all worried. We started to plan to gather information quicker but we had to lay low for a couple days. I knew the guards would be watching and I was right.

The next 3 days, I noticed the guards keeping a closer eye on me. We just had to act normal even though it was slightly difficult with several sets of eyes on you.

Laying low was pretty easy on our own but when another teen started causing trouble, it got a little more difficult for me.


Thursday evening, right before lights out, I was walking down the hallway back to my room after having been held up.

I turned the corner and came face to face with a guy who was slightly taller than me. I tried to step around him but he grabbed my arm and pulled me back

"Hello there." He said tilting his head but I just pulled away.

"I need to get back to my room, I'd advise that you do the same." I said, trying to step around him again but he pulled me back, this time letting go and pushing me back to the wall.

"Come on, its been a while since I've had some fun." He said and I stepped to the side.

He reached for me but I shoved him back, spinning around and starting to run the other direction but I was grabbed again and slammed into the wall. He wrapped his hands around my neck but before he could even fully cut off my air supply, I kicked him in the stomach, sending him back. He ripped me towards hm by my hair and I cried out.

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