Marlon Jay Iringan & Marlou Jay Nudalo

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Hi there
6:35 PM

What is it
6:35 PM


e have planned to...  We just heard the conversation of your group that my cousin Che had a problem.  We planned that you will solve it through asking her in personal.  Can you do it?
6:36 PM

Yeah, Sure,  if I have the chance to see Joyce in personal,  then i can do it....
6:36 PM

Good idea twin...
6:36 PM

Kuya Marlon can u help me
6:37 PM

Sure. Where should we meet?
6:37 PM

At the road.  I'll be outside of Junrose's store
6:37 PM

Sure I'll be riding a motorcycle just wait for me there 🙆
6:38 PM

Sure u can 🙆
6:38 PM

Thanks twin
6:38 PM

Welcome and remember we only know this 👍
6:38 PM

Seen, 6:39 PM

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