Marlon and Daryl

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Saturday, Saturday morning... It's my freedon day in which, I can do anything I could!

I decided to call Marlou, but I think he's having fun with Cherryl for now. Moments later,

Earliest morning around, s'moring at the garden, Daryl greeted me with a smile on his face.

"Sup, bro, another day?" he asked.

"Maybe yes, maybe no."

"Well yeah, have you heard of one of our cousins had a–"

"What?" I asked.

"D-A-T-E!" he looks like he's cheerleading.

"Yeah. With Cherryl and Marlo–?"

"Noooooooo!!" he said. "Katherine Anne and Adrian!"

"The heck?!" I said. "It's impossible to happen?!"

"I mean with that MarJoyce thing, whatever!"

"Oh kid Daryl, I gave them a day to go wherever places where they want!" I replied.

"Kuya Marlon?!" his ridiculous voice made me laugh.

"Well fine, what's your plan?" I asked him.

"We decided to set up a proposing day!" Daryl, that gay, said.


Daryl started up writing down notes that is–uh. You know.

Daryl likes to hide something that is just like from his pocket.

"See, kuya Marlon. You planned these all. I mean bro, what are you doing with those two little tweet birds there whatever."


"Kuya Marlon? Are you serious about what you said?" that boy said. "

"I didn't say everything?!"

I didn't understand what happens to us with my step brother. Really really much.


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