Interview 🎤 | boyfriend

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Your boyfriend Charlie had an interview today, so you decided to go with him. You had never been to one, so it would be a new, fun thing to try.

You walked into the little building where it was being held.

Right when you saw the young lady that was doing the interview, you knew that it would be bad news.

She was wearing a low shirt and leggings so tight you could see that she was on her period because you could see the outline of her pad.

"Hi, I'm Rose," she said, extending her hand as you and Charlie sat down.

"I'm Charlie," he replied with a smile, shaking her hand.

"So today we are talking about your new album. How did you come up with the idea for this album?"

Charlie talked about the album for a few minutes and then the interviewer asked another question.

"So you have a new girlfriend, Y/N," she began. Charlie beamed and hugged you. "Have you guys ever done anything before? Like, have you gotten touchy?"

That took an unexpected turn. But Charlie being Charlie, he handled it well.

"Well, we... um, we hold hands and hug each other pretty often. I love her very much," he said, taking the interviewer's question the wrong way on purpose.

The interviewer nodded and asked another question about Charlie's album. He kept on talking, and then he took his hands out of his sweatshirt pocket to move and stretch his hand a little.

A candy wrapper fell out and the interviewer mumbled under her breath,

"Is it a condom wrapper?"

Charlie's face grew a little red as he picked it up. He moved on like it wasn't a big deal. You were getting a little angry and uncomfortable, though.

Charlie had a song on his album called "Suffer," and the interviewer wanted to know about it.

"So, is the song Suffer about this special girl?" She asked with a smirk, pointing to you. Charlie sighed.

"I have had enough of this! You are being very inappropriate. You have no right to ask about my sex life at all. This is freaking ridiculous. Whether I have sex with someone or not is a private question and subject. Neither Y/N or I should be treated this way. Get some respect and shut up already. It's not funny or entertaining, ok?"

The interviewer nodded and it was her turn to grow red in the face.

You laughed a little inside at how blunt Charlie had been.

The interviewer carried on with the interview with no more questions about sex. After the interview ended, you and Charlie left and went out for lunch.


Haha I fucking hate it when interviewers ask celebrities about things like when they lost their virginity or who they first had sex with or stuff like that

ok bye

Charlie Puth Imagines ♡ {COMPLETE}Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon