Skating ⛸ | boyfriend

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"Charlie! We should go skating today!" You exclaimed as you and your boyfriend Charlie were trying to come up with things to do.

"That sounds like a good idea. Let me grab my stuff and we'll go," he agreed.

You put your hair in a ponytail and got into Charlie's car with him. You drove to the skating rink and walked in.

You both rented skates and were ready to go skating. You were eager to start skating!

You and Charlie both stepped onto the ice a little too quickly and fell. You laughed and got up.

"This is gonna be way harder than I thought," you said with a giggle.

"I know! I just about broke my butt," Charlie agreed.

"Here, hold my hands, and we can balance using each other," you said, coming up with ideas.

"Ok, we'll try that," Charlie agreed, taking your hands. You both began to slowly skate around and as you went on, you got better and better.

"Here, let's try to go faster," you said.

"That's what she said," Charlie added with a laugh. He began to skate a little bit faster.

You both got better and better, and after about an hour, you could let go of each other's hands and skate.

You were skating around the rink and you saw a couple skating together. The boy picked the girl up and swung her around. They landed perfectly and you and Charlie stared in awe.

Then Charlie looked at you.

"You wanna try?" He asked.

"Oh, no no no. Charlie Otto, are you out of your mind?"

"Yes! I want to try."

You took a deep breath.

"Are you sure you can?"

"No. But it'll be fun. What do we have to lose?" You thought about it and sighed.

"Fine," you finally agreed.

"Ok. Just take my hands like that," he said, holding your waist. Charlie tried to spin you around, but accidentally dropped you and then tripped over you and fell onto you.

"Ow! Charlie, get off!" You cried.

"Sorry! Sorry sorry!" He exclaimed, helping you up.

"I think my arm is broken, you dumb cluck," you said, seeing it start to swell.

"My leg hurts really bad, too," he added.

"Here, let's go to the ER. I think my arm is broken," you replied.

You and Charlie carefully took off your skates and Charlie limped to go give them back. You put on your shoes and Charlie put on one of his shoes. The other ankle was too big and swollen to put on his shoe.

You and Charlie drove to the hospital.

"Dammit, Charlie. You're such an idiot. What do we have to lose?" You mimicked.

"I'm sorry! I didn't know tricks were so hard to do."

"It's ok," you said with a laugh. "We had the functions in our limbs to lose, that's what."

You and Charlie drove to the ER and after an hour, you came out with a cast on your arm and a sling and Charlie came out with a boot on his leg and crutches.

"Well, that's that. I'm never ice skating again," you said as Charlie drove back to the house.

"Me neither. It was fun until we fell though, right?"

"Yeah. It was a cool experience."

"Thanks for going with me."

"Thanks for taking me."

"I love you, Y/N," he said with a smile.

"I love you too, Charlie," you replied, grinning.




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