Party 🎉 | love interest

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You were at a high school party and it was getting late. You checked your watch and it was almost 11.

"Hey guys, let's play 7 Minutes In Heaven," your boyfriend suggested. Everybody nodded and began to sit in a circle.

One of the boys grabbed a bottle and sat down in the circle. You looked at the other 8 people in the circle.

You didn't really want to do anything with any of them except for your boyfriend, Charlie.

"Here, Shawn, you go first," the boy said, handing Shawn the bottle. He took it with a nod and spun it. After a few seconds, it stopped in front of a girl named Julia.

"Oooooh," everyone said with smiles and giggles. Shawn and Julia both had crushes on each other, but they both were too shy to officially get together.

"Go into the bathroom. Y'all can do your thing in there," another girl named Ava said. Shawn and Julia stepped into the bathroom and closed the door. Ava started a timer and it started to go.

Your mind filled with worries as the clock counted down from 7 minutes. You did not want to participate in this game, but if you didn't, everyone would think that you were a baby.

Suddenly, a moan came from the bathroom followed by a "shhhh!" Everybody's eyes went wide and then a bunch of laughing arose.

A few minutes later, the timer went off and another girl stood up.

"Time's up!" She announced, knocking on the door. Shawn's lips were a little redder than usual, then you noticed that it's the same shade as Julia's lipstick.

"Ok," Shawn said, sitting back down in the circle. "I choose... Charlie to go next," he said, handing the bottle to Charlie.

"You know what? I'll... I'll pass," Charlie nervously said.

"Nope! No passes! You have to go!" A boy named Eli exclaimed.

"Fine," Charlie replied, taking the bottle. He reluctantly spun it and you silently prayed that it wouldn't land on you. You weren't in the mood for anything tonight.

It spun around, slower and slower and slower until it finally stopped. Right in front of you.

"Wow! It's meant to be!" Ava said, pointing to the bathroom. Charlie and you got up and went into the bathroom.

Charlie shut the door.

"Ok. We have seven minutes to do this," he whispered.

"I don't want to do this now," you said.

"We've gotta do something memorable in this bathroom," he replied.

You sighed.

"We can make out, I guess," you said.

Charlie grabbed your face and kissed you hard. You were a little shocked but after a few seconds, you kissed him, too.

Finally, after 7 minutes of fooling around, there was a knock on the door.

"Time's up," a voice called.

"We'll finish this later," Charlie whispered as you walked out of the bathroom.


Part 2?

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