Theater | father 🥺

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This is a literal story of what happened to me except I was with my mom not Charlie Puth 😂


You were sitting in math class, bored as hell. You were on your period and grumpier than a bear.

The only thing you could think about was how the new movie you wanted to see was coming out and you couldn't see it. You tried to concentrate, but you just couldn't.

Just when you thought you would die of boredom, you heard your name get called on the intercom. Apparently, you were getting checked out of school.

You wondered to yourself why as you walked down the halls. You had your last orthodontist appointment last week, so it wasn't that.

Luckily you didn't have to wonder for long.

"Hi, Charlie," you said. You were Charlie's adopted daughter. He waved. You walked out with him to the car.

"So why are you taking me out of school?" You asked.

"Well, there's an 11:00 showing of that movie you wanted to watch, so I thought I would take you," he said with a smile.

"What?!" You exclaimed. "Are you serious? You're the best! Thank you!"

"You're welcome!"

You both drove to the theater.

Then you got out of the car and Charlie bought the tickets.

You watched the movie. It was a really good one.

The movie ended and you walked out together.

"Hey Y/N, are you hungry? If you are, maybe we could go to Chick-Fil-A?"

"Yes! That sounds great! This is literally the best day ever."

"Aww, that's good."

You went to Chick-Fil-A and pretty much inhaled the waffle fries and sandwich with Charlie.

"Boy, I was hungry! I didn't even realize," you said.

"So was I. Except I realized it."

"Yeah, but you always do!" You said with a laugh.

You and Charlie drove back home.

It was the best day ever!


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