Church Boy ⛪ | friend, love interest

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Idk how many of y'all go to church but happy reading

This one is for SackAPotatoes3 bc she can't stand a sex scene jk jk i love you and i love your wacky comments on my stories happy reading to you especially :)


You had a humongous crush on a certain boy who went to your church. He also went to your school, but you didn't see him often.

For Easter morning, church was packed. There were hardly any places to sit for latecomers.

Your crush, Charlie, walked in late with his twin siblings and parents. They looked for a place to sit and the only place that looked big enough and had enough space for them to sit was next to your family.

His mom quietly asked your mom if they could sit by you and she nodded. No one in your family knew that you liked Charlie, so this was a huge coincidence.

What happened next made you so happy you forgot to listen to anything the preacher was saying.

Charlie sat right next to you, all dressed up in his really nice clothes. There was hardly enough room for both of your families to be on the bench together, so you had to squeeze in.

Charlie's leg touched yours lightly and he apologized.

"Sorry, I know women like their space," he whispered.

"I-it's fine," you stuttered very quietly, so happy you barely remembered how to talk. He smiled.

Then it was time to sing all the Easter hymns. You really hated to sing because your voice was terrible and you didn't like to hold the hymnal.

What Charlie did made you happy and a little stunned at what a gentleman he was.

He opened the hymnbook for you and then held it up for you as you shared it with him. Not only was he a hot gentleman, but his voice was amazing.

You couldn't believe he wasn't in the church choir.

When you finished singing, you had to do the long, congregational prayer. At your church, it was custom to hold hands with the person sitting next to you, which usually was your family.

Not in this case.

You had gotten really lucky today. You awkwardly held Charlie's hand during the horribly long prayer. You also held your brother's hand, but that wasn't exciting.

Thankfully you got comfortable holding his hand, but when the prayer ended, you really didn't want to let go of his hand.

You did though, and then the sermon was preached. It was a super long one. You were getting just a little antsy towards the end, even though you were a junior in high school.

Finally, church ended. Charlie struck up small talk with you as you waited for the church to empty out.

"So... that wasn't so bad," he said.

"No, it really wasn't," you replied.

"Maybe we can do that next Sunday. Come late again so that there's no space and then I can squeeze in next to you," he suggested, wiggling his eyebrows.

Your breath caught in your throat a little as you blushed a nodded a little.

Your family finally had to go and so you got into the car with your siblings and parents.

The second you got home, you jumped into pajamas, happy to be comfy again and not in fancy clothes.


this one is a little lame ik

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