Sick 😷| boyfriend

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You sneezed for the one billionth time. You blew your nose into a Kleenex.

"Y/N, are you sure you're ok?" Charlie asked.

"Don't be ridiculous, everyone gets runny noses sometimes. I'm sure I'm fine," you said, trying to be convincing.

"Ok," Charlie replied skeptically.

Ok, maybe you weren't feeling your best, but you were on a date with Charlie and you didn't want to screw it up with your cold.

You sneezed again and blew your nose.

"Y/N, I think you're sick. You should go home and rest."

"Charlie, I swear I'm-"

You sneezed again.

"Here, Y/N. Come on. I'll take care of you. It's ok to be sick, and you clearly are," Charlie said, gently taking your arm and helping you stand up out of your chair.

You sighed and stood up. You and Charlie left the restaurant. Charlie drove you to your house.

"Ok. Y/N, you go change into comfy pajamas. I'll make you tea to help you clear up your nose," Charlie said once you got home.

You nodded and went upstairs. Once you finished changing, you brought a blanket downstairs and sat down on the couch.

Charlie walked over to the couch with the tea.

"Here, Y/N. I put it in a water bottle. Lay down."

You laid down on the couch and Charlie handed you the tea. You drank it slowly. Charlie brought a box of tissues over and a trash can.

You blew your nose over and over again until it hurt.

"Y/N, are you hungry? I'll make you soup if you want."

You nodded and Charlie walked into the kitchen. 5 minutes later, Charlie came back with a bowl of chicken noodle soup.

"You're the best boyfriend ever, Char," you said.

He smiled.

"Thanks. I love you, Y/N."

"I love you, too."

You ate your soup and Charlie took the bowl to the counter for you. You began to get tired and you wanted a nap.

"Charlie, I'm gonna go to sleep. You can go back to your house if you want."

"It's ok. I'll stay here and take care of you," he replied, gently kissing your head.

You nodded and laid down on your pillow.

Soon enough, you fell asleep.


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