~Chapter 1~

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Autumn's POV

"I hate you Marcus!" I yelled looking over at my now ex-boyfriend.
"You hate me? Your the one who broke up with me." Was his reply, I could tell that he was past being shocked and upset and was about to get very angry at me.
"I'm sorry. I just feel like...like...." I said my voice catching. I couldn't do this. I looked back at my best friend Bella. She had sympathy in her eyes but nodded, indicating for me to go on. A gust of wind blew my orangy bronze hair over my face as a lorry shot by on the road right next to me. For almost two months I'd barely seen him, apart from when we walk back from school and that was usually in silence. For me the last straw was the other day when I went round to his house to surprise him like I'd done hundreds of times before but he sent me away without even going inside.
Suddenly I was snapped back to reality "Autumn, I asked a question. Why? Why are you breaking up with me?"
"We aren't like we were before, we hardly talk to each other anymore, it's as if your separating your self from me. It's been like this for two months and it's getting worse, the worst part for me was the other day I wasn't even allowed inside your house. Why?"
"Why? You came round to my house without telling me and -"
"Which I've done countless times before" tears were streaming down my face, Marcus was manipulating me, like he's done for the past eighteen months. This time his reply was in a lower, slower voice threatening almost like a snarl.
"Don't you dare interrupt me like that. Ugh. Sometimes I wish I could just get you out of my life."
He shoved me and suddenly I was flying backwards. Towards the road.
The world was filled with screams, a screech of tyres and then nothing but pain followed by darkness

Bella's POV.

It happened in slow motion.

Autumn and Marcus had been arguing for about 15 minutes. It had started when Autumn said that she didn't want to be with him, that she wanted to break up. I feel it's my fault I told her to break up with him , for the past two months she's been so unhappy and and most days been crying from the walk from Marcus's house to hers, I couldn't stand to see my best friend like this. She would always laugh and brush stuff away however hurtful it was but recently she'd been hardly smiling. I was worried for her we'd been friends since she came to America and it broke my heart to see her sad.
I was to wrapped up in my thoughts that I didn't see Marcus push her into the road or the van slamming it's break on trying to avoid my helpless best friend. Too late. Autumn was thrown from her fall with so much impact she landed about ten meters down the road skidding another few on impact. She didn't do anything, she just lay there.
There was no noise, the traffic had stopped but there were sobs breaking the silence. It was me.

Then the world sprang to life again. I was moving closer to Autumn. She was lying lifelessly on the road her clothes ripped and skin bleeding. My first thought was, she's dead. My best friend is dead' but then I noticed it, it was very faint but her chest was moving. Up and down, up and down. I sank to the floor in relief, sobs still raking through my body.
I wasn't the only one surrounding her tattered unconscious body. There was a guy on a phone, to an Ambulance... I hope. Then there was another guy. He was walking towards me. He knelt down next to me and whispered
"You're friends going to be fine. Zach's on the phone to an ambulance." I looked up at him. And opened my mouth to say something. No sound came out. Before I could try again the boy named Zach started coming over.
" An ambulance has been dispatched, they said I should be here in about ten minutes."
I sighed, help was coming Autumn was going to be ok, but then it wasn't five minutes ago autumn had been fine. Yes she'd been crying, Yes she was sad but she was healthy not being paler than normal looking like a ghost sprawled on a road.
" Hey are you ok?" It was Zach's friend again. I don't know why but if felt I could trust these guys.
"No, I'm not ok. My best friend was just hit by a car. I don't know where her boyfri- sorry ex boyfriend who pushed her in the road in the first place has gone. And it's my fault it happened anyway cause I told her to break up with him cause he'd - he'd be treating her wrong. And - and now she might d-" I couldn't finish, I didn't want to think about it. Both the boys were looking at me, they didn't know what to do, but why would they now what to do.
"I'm sorry, you wouldn't be able to do anything. You can go it you want. Thank you for calling an ambulance and seeing if I'm ok." I flashed them a small smile.
"No. I'm not going to leave until I know that you're going to be ok, and that your friend is on her way to hospital. Plus the traffic isn't exact going anywhere anyway." Zach's friend flashed me a smile. I smiled back but more tears just fell.I looked over at Autumn still hardly breathing. There must be something that I could do. This just wasn't right.
I heard sirens in the distance getting closer and closer. The Ambulance was coming. In a matter of minutes people in green uniforms came rushing out. They picked Autumn upon a stretcher and started carrying her away. I got up and started walking after them. I went up to one of the ladies in the ambulance.
" Is she going to be ok?"
" I don't know sweetie. We're going to get her rigged up here and run x-rays and test when we get to hospitals." She looked at me sympatheticly like she must have done so many times before.
"Can I come with her"
"No sweetie sorry. Unless you're family."
" I'm as good as family. She's got almost none left"
"Sweetie I'm sorry. But we can't go letting in every friend or we wouldn't be able to reach our patient." I started to cry again, not wanting to leave Autumn side.
"Please. I'll sit in the corner you won't even know I'm there."
"Those are rules sweetie" she did look sympathetic now. " I'm sorry, you'll have to make your own way to hospital"
I could see Zach and his friend coming over. I didn't want to make a scene.
"Please, I don't know how I'm going to get there. I can't drive. I don't know anyone who'll be able to take me. Plea-"
"It's ok we'll take her." Zach's friend said. I nodded and muttered a thank you.
We walked over to his car.
"I'm Daniel by the way."
"Well nice to meet you. And before you say anything it's hardly out of our way to the go to the hospital. So don't worry."
"Thanks" I said getting in the car.
I didn't say anything else, neither did they. I just watched the ambulance drive away out of my window.
I watched the blue flashing lights disappear into the distance. I watched it carry my best friend away from me but to save her life.

I promise it's gonna get better

Word count : 1305

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