~Chapter 4~

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Autumn's POV

I guess I must have fallen asleep as I was woken up by the nurse fiddling with the wires and stuff attached to me.

"What are you doing with that?" I asked, causing her to jump

"Oh, hi sweetie, I didn't realise that you were awake. I'm just removing all these monitors as you're awake from your mild coma we don't need to be monitoring you so closely anymore, or be giving you the nutrients through your drip. You are about to be monitor free."

"Seriously? Does that mean I can go to the teen room tonight?"

"Yeah, just remember that room curfew is 10."

"Ok thanks"

Your conversation was cut off when Bella rushed in the room in her usually eccentric style.

"Oh-um I'll go". The nurse said, as she finished off.

"Hey Bells, how does it take like three hours to go to the toilet?"

"Oh I didn't go to the toilet....well, I did but then I went to your house to grab you some things like clothes and toiletries but me being my indecisive self I didn't know what you wanted so I just bought you all your comfy clothes and i mean ALL"

"You seriously took all my hoodies" some might say I have a few to many, but I only have a full row of my built in wardrobe filled up with them. Bella smiled and nodded, then she pulled the suitcase into my eye line. I think it was probably the biggest suitcase, we owned at home.

"Seriously Bells" I moved to get out the bed but pain roared up my leg despite having general anaesthetic. "Well could you help me get out of bed? But first bring me the suitcase"

She laughed as she picked the suitcase up and put on the chair next to my bed.

It didn't take long for me to find my favourite shorts and t-shirt to wear. Bella helped me put on the shorts it was difficult and very painful, especially because the cast was designed so my leg was at that awkward angle of half straight, half bent. By the time we were done and in fits of laughter it was already quarter to six.

"Hey you need to go soon." I said hoping she wouldn't ask why. But obviously she did.

"Why? It's only quarter to six"

"Umm....because...um.... I'm going to the teen room." How come I could never think on my feet.

"Why can't I come though?"

"Because I'm meeting this boy who got Marcus to leave earlier"

"Marcus! Marcus was here. I'll kill him."

"Yeah he was, but I'm fine now. And don't say anything on Monday the school already knows that I was hit by a car and I have a plan to ruin him, just wait till September comes" I said it in such a way that as soon as I was done we looked at each other and burst out laughing.

"What is it?"

"You'll have to wait and see, but something tells me he'll pretend we're still together." I knew that Bella wouldn't stop pestering me until I told her, so I decided to change the topic. "Can we not talk about him? And can you bring me over the wheelchair in the corner?" She went and got it.

"Here you go me lady" she said in a mock British accent sending us both into giggles. I lived my self up out of bed and slid into the chair, resting my leg on the thingy reaching out infront of me.

"Thanks" we hugged and then she left to go home to her mum and siblings. That left me to wheel myself to the teen room without getting lost. Luckily it was right down the hall so I found it pretty quick and it was just after six so Corbyn would be here.

-- -- -- --

He was at the back of the room which had just him in. He had his back turned to me as he was sitting playing video games with ice-cream next to him.

I wheeled toward him.

"Hey stranger" He paused his game and turned to see who was behind him, when he saw me his face lit up. I wheeled next to him. I saw his eyes flitter towards my leg but thankfully . "I didn't know what you liked so I got vanilla with sprinkles and marshmallows" I could tell he was nervous.

"I love it, that's literally the way I have ice cream at home" that's true whenever me and my brother watch a film we have massive bowls of ice-cream with it. We both ate our ice-cream in silence for a while. "I never realised that a hospital cafeteria could have such good ice-cream" I said hoping that it was a good conversation starter.

"It's not front the hospital, you're soon gonna realise that hospital food is rank." I smiled.

"Great, looking forward to my summer already" I laughed he did to.

"Well then savour your ice-cream, I had to get my friend go get this from my favourite Ice cream parlour in LA. It pretty near where we live but this hospital is not. Your lucky the ice creams aren't melted nor eaten, as Zach came with him."

"Who's Zach?"

"He's one of my ba-... Friends who I live with, there's five of us. Zach and Jack came to visit me earlier and Zach, let's just say he likes food alot. There's also Daniel and Jonah, Daniel and Zach were in their way to visit me when you were ..you know." He stopped and looked at me, what was i meant to say?

"Cool" cool. Who says cool? "What videogame are you playing?"

"Fortnite, it's my favourite I could play it all day, apart from when I'm rescuing girls" we both laughed.

About thirty seconds after we stopped laughing he got up and grabbed me a controller.

"Can you play?"


"It's fine I'll teach you."

We spent the next two hours playing Fortnite, by the time we stopped my cheeks hurt from smiling and laughing. It's safe to say I can't play fortnite, but tonight was really fun.

"Well I think I improved. I now know how not to kill myself." I looked at Corbyn and we both burst out laughing again. "Thanks" I said after we had finished laughing.

"What for?" His face had become serious and confused. He was pretty cute like this.

"For cheering me up today, I think you'll be a good friend"

"So we're friends now?"

"Yep, well done your not an acquaintance anymore" I said giggling.

We talked for about another ten minutes before a Nurse came in to tell us to go to beds. We said our goodbyes and hugged before going out seperate ways. Nurse Baxter came with me and helped me back into the bed before leaving. I grabbed my gryffindor hoodie and went to grab my phone. But there wasn't any phone, it must has smashed in the accident. Tonight though I was tired so I decided instead of seeing is Bella had packed me a book I turned the light out.

I thought about the day not the bad parts with Marcus or being back in a hospital for the first time since mum but I though about the good parts like Corbyn and Bella.

He's really sweet and funny and cute and not to say hot. Maybe I could trust him again after Marcus I don't know though. But do I want to catch feelings for him?

(A/N sorry for the bad chapter ending)

Word count : 1275

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